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Subject: Re: A recent abortion is ruining my life...

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Date Posted: 21:24:50 09/28/07 Fri
In reply to: Ashleigh 's message, "A recent abortion is ruining my life..." on 00:23:32 09/27/07 Thu

Dear Ashleigh,

It's really good that you have posted here - I want to encourage you to also check out this site and post there too:


It's a little more active than this site.

Please know you are not alone in this - many women (and men) have the same feelings after an abortion & it's important that you find a way to heal.

Any loss we experience can cause us grief. Grief is something we tend to brush off quickly in our society (IMHO). We do not allow ourselves to grieve, and even though it's not always pleasant, it's an important function in our emotional well being.

It's critical to not get stuck in grief - there are ways to work through it and deal with it in a healthy manner.

You can do your own search on grief - you can look at this site some too:


I think it's really important to also turn to God in tough times - so if you haven't already tried that, please do. A good SOLID REAL church is an important part to your good overall health. Start with a small prayer and look up a church near you and go.



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[> Subject: Re: A recent abortion is ruining my life...

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Date Posted: 22:30:06 10/01/07 Mon


I wish I could come to where you are to give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes it's easier to just be with someone than to spill out your emotions. We're not here to be judgemental and ask about birth control. There are women who took birth control and still get pregnant.

My husband came home from Iraq a year ago. I understand the pressures and strains the military produces. When he does come home I recommend you go to the weekend for couples if they still offer it. Another really good marriage seminar is Laugh Your Way by Mark Gungor. (http://www.laughyourway.com) He has seminars around the US. I know the military was considering his program, but I don't know if they actually signed up with him or not. He's a phenominal speaker!! He has practical advice for couples with a huge flare of humor.

I'm glad you're on the anti-depressants, but you really should tell someone about your suisidal thoughts and cutting. Go to some of the sites Kris suggested on post abortion healing. You can also call 1-800-395-Help to talk to someone. Start your healing somewhere. You may never forget your abortion, but you can live a life and learn from it.

A lot of women in your predicument have found healing educated others about abortion and become great pro-life advocates. Please talk with someone who knows the effects abortion causes emotionally. You're not alone, there are others who can identify with your feelings. These women have a lot of knowledge and a lot of them are trying to heal just like you.

Keep in touch, feel free to write more here on the board or send me an email.



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