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Subject: Re: I need help for my sister.

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Date Posted: 18:24:38 11/13/07 Tue
In reply to: Me 's message, "I need help for my sister." on 02:10:56 11/05/07 Mon

Hi, Me,

I am so glad you are there for your sister! She needs you desperately. Call her as often as you can. Let her cry and sob as much as she needs to. Get ahold of your local crisis pregnancy agency. Any issues she raises, things that worry or upset her, discuss it with them. It may also be that she can talk to someone from a crisis pregnancy agency in her area. Ask her if she would like for someone to visit her. When you have talked to your own local one, it will help you to know what to say to her.

She should be adequately tested. Does she have low thyroid? Did they test both T3 and T4? Has she eaten food with monosodium glutimate in it? If so, it may have harmed her adrenal glands so that they don't make some necessary hormones. I learned this about myself. I take evening primrose oil, a supplement that supplies what my adrenal glands can no longer make. If there is any way she can get some help from a natural healer, this could be very helpful. Another thing that some people find helpful is phosphatidyl choline. Please know that many of the psychotropic drugs cause the very conditions they are supposed to cure. Is she free to leave the mental hospital if she wants to?

Keep in touch and let us know how things are going. God isn't going to punish her for having an abortion. If there was damage, this could cause problems, and if it's a case of prematurity, they can stitch her cervix shut so she can carry the baby to term. Then at birth, they have to take the stitches out. She should go to a doctor who is familiar with the possible consequences of abortion. It is not God's will that these things happen; they are just natural consequences. But they can be dealt with medically.

I hope this helps.


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