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Subject: Pain

Kayla (regretful)
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Date Posted: 01:54:38 12/09/07 Sun

In May of this year my now husband and i gave up our first child and had a medicinal abortion. We did this because we were both only 18 and he had a budding career in the Navy. and having a pregnant girlfriend before boot camp is a big no no. Later on we discovered we could have kept our baby and his Naval career. He refuses to talk about what happened because he decided he wanted our child but i continued with the abortion. i was thinking of our future and it wasn't fair to our child to give it a life where we were financially unstable. i've now gotten to the point where i want to talk. i have for several months now but my husband refuses and wants to pretend it never happened. it's tearing our marriage apart. i don't know what to do. As December 23rd, the day our baby was due, gets closer i have an ever building pain locked inside me. What am i suppposed to do? we want to try to have a family but i can't until i'm over this baby. i can't fully deal without my husband dealing as well. How can i make my husband deal with what happened? I think he hasn't forgiven me for hurting him. i just need help.

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[> Subject: Re: Pain

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Date Posted: 08:30:41 12/10/07 Mon

Dear Kayla,

I am sorry for your loss. It's important that you find healing for the wounds you have in this situation. Both you and your husband should go to post-abortion counseling. Pregnancy centers often offer FREE sessions. Look up the information here:


Find a local center and call to inquire.

You may also want to visit these sites:




That one has many links to sites that also offer help and hope.

You are probably wise to make sure you are "over" this before starting a family. Many women want to replace the baby they lost and it can make things all the harder emotionally sometimes.

Men tend to deal with their emotions by "stuffing" them, I'm sure your husband hurts as well and doesn't know where to put that right now.

If you go to church, you may want to visit with a women's minister about this. If you don't go to church, I urge you to find one and start going. Prayer and faith in God also lend to great healing in our lives.

Hang in there - things will get better.


[> Subject: Re: Pain

Aisling (hi)
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Date Posted: 18:40:13 12/21/07 Fri

I had my abortion a year ago: Well I found out I was pregnant this time last year. I had my abortion in January last year. I know alot of babies that are the age that mine would have been, I find that really hard. This may seem irrelevant; but I am writing it to try and say that I understand the idea of what it is like to think of 'the baby', or what age your baby would have been, when your baby would have been born, or where you would be now if you still had your baby.

I made my decision to protect our lives as well. I struggled my way up. I didn't want to let it all go, and make another little person do the same thing. I was wrapping my depty generals christmas presents this morning (I am not a PA, she is not a bully, she is nice and I do it as much to be helpful as anyhitng else)and I thought to myself; why did I do it; couldn't it have worked as well, if not better with my little baby.

I could not be sure. I could not clearly see a way to mind baby and me, and my boyfriend.
The decision was mainly mine. However, I did what I did for us.

I am not religious, so I cannot guide you towards God. I cannot tell you to get counselling: that would be hypocracy, because not only would my boyfriend kill me if I suggested that as an option, I couldn't bear the concept myself.
My boyfriend doesn't talk to me, never mind a 'stranger'.

I talk to my girlfriends, but it feels like a monologe... and as such, I am just thinking it out in my head... hence my being on this site.

Listen, all I am saying is, you aren't alone. I hear what you are saying, and I just wanted to say hi

hang on: hang onto your marraige, and your original reasons, and a belief that you were right. you did it for both of you; you were not trying to hurt anyone.

and totally outside of your life, and not knowing your husband. If he bacame your husband despite what has now become a problem, he made a commitment after the fact, he must be willing to work through it

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