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Subject: abortion

jessica (sad)
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Date Posted: 00:08:32 02/08/08 Fri

I am so sad. I want to cry when I see pregnant women especially those that are the same amount of months I would have been.My name is jessica and I had an abortion at the ennd on september and I'm now hurting so bad over it. See I'm only 19 and I already have 3 kids but I want a big family so my kids will never be alone in this world like was and will always have eachother, but me and there fathers relationship wasn't sturdy at the time and I didn;t want to be stuck. So selfishly I did it and got on the depo shot, and now I couldn't even have a baby if I wanted to because the depo makes youinfertle for a few months (i'm off it now) I find myself trying to replace my baby by having another when I new I couldn't afford.I am so depressed.I;ll stop now because there aren't enough words in the world to describe the pain I feel

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[> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 09:26:31 02/10/08 Sun

Dear Jessica,

I am so sorry for the pain you have - it's so good that you have posted here and that you are looking for help. I want to encourage you - that you know you are NOT alone. There are many resources out there - please visit this page:


You can also look up a Care Net Center near you at this site:


You can also call:


Many Care Net centers offer FREE post-abortion counseling, and you should go.

Having another baby will NOT make your pain go away - and I think it's important that you find the healing you need before you attempt to have more children at this point. Your three children you do have need you whole and healthy - physically and emotionally and spiritually - all those pieces are critical in our lives.

You are welcome to email me, and talk more - please don't delay in finding the healing you need.


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