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Subject: Re: I feel like I'm dying

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Date Posted: 10:03:57 03/09/08 Sun
In reply to: Christina 's message, "I feel like I'm dying" on 01:50:52 03/07/08 Fri

Dear Christina,

Thank you for posting your story. It is heart wrenching - and it took courage to write it.

The best way to "fix it" in this situation is to figure out how you can best heal. There are many ways that people find to cope and recover from traumatic experiences. I want to encourage you to visit here:


Many of these centers offer FREE post-abortion counseling.

You can also go here:


There's a page of links to other helpful sites there.

It's really important that you work through all this - as it will have lasting effects on you. You may already realize that.

Going back to church actually would be a very good idea. We all need to take care of our spirit - and that's the best place to be when we're in hurt or need.

Please do update us on your follow-up -


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[> Subject: Re: I feel like I'm dying

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Date Posted: 21:44:54 03/28/08 Fri

Hey all who read my previous message-Well I went back for my follow-up and found out I had a kidney infection.Needless to say,that had me on my back and out of work mainly due to the fact the first round of antibiotics didn't work.I'm still a wreck...I pick arguments with my boyfried for no reason just so I can get a reaction from him and I think I pushed him a little too far this time.He hasn't called since Tues. nite and I am way too stubborn to cave and apologize first.My sign is Taurus and boy do I fit the bill. Thanks to all who posted replies,it really made a difference getting it off my chest.To anyone who wants to talk give me a shout and I'll listen-Thanks Christina

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