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Subject: Pregnant

Katelynn Smith
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Date Posted: 13:20:29 04/18/08 Fri

I am a 14 year old girl recently facing the problem of underage pregnancy. My boyfriend and I have been going out for almost a year and decided we could have unprotected sex for once. I wasn't sure about the timing of my period and my eggs, risking the danger I did it, thinking I would be safe. A couple of mornings later I found myself having a lot of pains, very tired, and my boobs were very tender. I went and got a pregnancy test from the nearest clinic, I was positive. I told my boyfriend, Scott. With a very shocked face, just like mine, he was disappointed in us. I haven't told my parents yet, is there any idea's of how I could tell them?
Katelynn Smith

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[> Subject: Re: Pregnant

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Date Posted: 07:47:53 04/19/08 Sat

Dear Katelynn,

If you go to church, I would ask one of the pastors to go with you and help you tell your parents. If that's not the case, is there a close family friend or relative that you can confide in and have them with you? Big news, like this, is usually best delivered with a sort of nuetral person involved - it just helps everyone keep the emotions in check.

If you are close to your parents, and know how they may react, and you aren't too worried about it, just tell them kind of what you wrote here. Let them know you understand they are probably disappointed, and you love them, and this is very hard for you.

Do you have any other "big news" experience to draw from as to how they are going to feel?

Just know, they will probably be upset at first, but that's only because they love you and want the best for you. Every parent has big dreams for thier children.

Have you & your bf talked about the "If's" of all this? Do you know what you want to do? Do you know what your parents are going to want you to do?

Please email me : Hopkinskc@aol.com

or post again - I was 17, but I was also in your shoes.

Hang in there -


[> Subject: Re: abortion

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Date Posted: 22:25:51 04/25/08 Fri

take the edvice from someone that has been there. Right now you feel like there is no way out. Your wrong. Your parents will always be your parents no matter what happens. They might not agree or at least support you at first. Once they relize there is nothing that can be done they will support you.

You wouldnt want to wake up every day of your livfe wondering who it looks like, what was it going to be, how was it going to act like. Its not the best feeling you can live with. Every time you see a pregnate women or a women with a new born your heart will melt into a billion pieces. Trust me that will kill you inside, and no one will ever understand how you feel. Sometimes I just want to give up on life for my mistake. If I could do it all over I would have given birth to my child.

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