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Subject: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)

Dr. Ivan E. Calimano
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Date Posted: 18:14:58 04/29/03 Tue
Author Host/IP: host119-184.inter.edu/

Hi gang...

Well, most of the portfolios I've seen are doing fine. Here are some tips on working on the web. Brumi, please feel free to jump here anytime... LOL

Ok then....

1. User names and passwords to access the site
NEVER, I mean NEVER share this information with anybody. Not only for this purpose, but for any other you do have one. There are plenty of ways to FTP to the server (either Inter or anyother). Mostly you will use what you are been using, WS_FTP (probably the lite version, no difference with the paid one except you get a couple more features but you won't need those in many cases). Once you set up the account parameters, you are ok. When using a public PC never SAVE the parameters there.... you can do so at home.

2. Main page name
Generally that first page where every body goes it is named either index.html or default.html. This will depends on the service but for the Inter server, either one will work. From this page you will go to the rest of your site.

Avoid using spaces in file names for the web. Make those names unique and in a one string of characters. YOu can use perpahs peridos to separate elements for clarity or the underscore. JUST REMEMBER how you named them.
Esamples: teaching_strategies_for_10th_graders.html
or teachingstrategiesfor10thgraders.html
or teaching.strategies.10th.graders.html
This goes to all files you place on your site.

4. Using the conventional names
Name all your files with the .html extension always. That is the standard. I know word and other programs will do the .htm, which it is fine. Be sure you remember which one you use. Anyway, you can do change those to .htm from word to .html to comply to the standard. Remember that not every body that have access to the web will have Word or Power POint.

5. Use the SAVE AS WEB PAGE alternative to your documents
MS Office offer this capability to save your work in the web language. Pick the right choice when you go to SAVE. I do recomend that everything you save in HTML, either word or ppt documents, to place them on a separate folder. Remember to MOVE all the files created with this to the web site.

6. Want to preserve de look of a Word Document?
Well, this can be done with Adobe Acrobat. Take advantage of your position as a teacher and order (i.e. buy) an educational version to do PDF (portable data file) documents. This way, the document will look exactly as you made it in Word and it is harder to get "used" by someone else and not giving you the credit. I do have the program and can convert some files but w/ no rush.

7. Footer on your pages
ALWAYS include the following information on the footer: Your name and the copyright statement. You can make your name a link to your email but if you do this, you need to also "write" explicitly your email. YOu can add the school address or department, if you like. You also need to include the date you created the page and the last revision. Other information as you like can be added. Go to the following link http://www.sg.inter.edu/lisc/fall2003.html and look at the footer I made for this page.

8. This all for now. If Brumi have something else to add, please feel free. Adelante y buena suerte... Diviertete haciendolo... .enjoy this activity. NO papers to carry just an address on the web.


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Subject Author Date
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Marisol Calero20:43:52 04/29/03 Tue
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Cynthia Ramirez21:00:57 04/29/03 Tue
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Iris Vázquez Llantín10:27:04 04/30/03 Wed
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)John Perez10:48:49 04/30/03 Wed
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Claribel Avecedo Toro22:09:46 04/30/03 Wed
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Maritza Negron23:40:27 04/30/03 Wed
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Doris M. Ramos22:36:49 05/01/03 Thu
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Yvette Figueroa23:43:43 05/01/03 Thu
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Envinia Morales08:03:44 05/03/03 Sat
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Alex X. Caride10:19:04 05/03/03 Sat
Re: Portfolio tips (please print if necessary)Nery K. Rodriguez12:07:00 05/03/03 Sat

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