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Subject: so sad!

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Date Posted: 00:35:14 04/02/03 Wed

hello guys.

the ivy-situation sort of came to an end today. she just isn't at a stage where she can invest in a relationship, though she "likes my personality". i made my feelings known to her 2 weeks ago (and she said she wasn't interested), and since then, we had been talking on the phone almost everyday (she started it!). but, finally, today, i decided to ask her what was going on because i was confused and in emotional pain. she was nice enough to be honest and what not, and she obviously cared about my feelings, so i still respect her. i will not be calling her or chasing her anymore, though.

i have never liked a girl more than i liked her, so obviously it hurt quite a bit. i have never made my feelings so public to a girl before, either. so, this was a GREAT learning experience -- despite the pain and slightly humbling experience. this is my first taste of rejection by a girl! it is bitter-sweet, to be honest.

so now that this is pretty much behind me, i can devote my energies to the job search and to helping plan our AWESOME EUROPE TRIP!!! WOOPEEEE!!!

thanks mike for getting a headstart on the planning! alright, cheers buddies. good luck in school and everything...

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