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Subject: feeling james' pain

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Date Posted: 13:38:06 04/03/03 Thu

sup guys.

thats harsh james...know that we're all feeling for you. i kno that nothing we say now can probably comfort you but know that we're all here for you bro. the only advice i guess i have is that if you still care for her then just offer to be there for her. that doesnt mean you have to call her up like everyday. just the occasional hi every few days and see how she's doing. if she's the one then eventually she'll realize that she's got the one shes been waiting for right next to her.

any how...EUROPE!!!~~~ we'll find james a hottie there. i've been doing research on amsterdam and i kinda have an idea on what spots to hit now...i cant remmeber the other country iwas suppose to hit up. someone remind me.

my 2 main concerns right now is about the plane tickets and the order we are going to visit the cities/countries. this way i can figure out the prices and routes to and from amsterdam.

on the plane tickets i've been checking prices daily on travelocity. the prices are pretty darn cheap. but maybe becuase it is still concidered low season right now. and the prices i've found only allows you to book up to 1 wk in advance. for example

Los Angeles Amsterdam Netherlands $361 +
Los Angeles Dublin $493 +
Los Angeles London All $423 +
Los Angeles Munich $301 +
Los Angeles Paris All $304 +

those are prices for flights leaving latest by april 10th.
anyways gimme some feed back guys. or call me up, im bored :] 6267315158 im avaliable on weekdays and weekends by appointment.

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