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Subject: James Muscleman Hsu

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Date Posted: 14:29:00 02/15/03 Sat

Hey James, i just read your message on trying to get down to 165... that's too light man, i think you just have heavy bones...for real. It's that you should try to look good and forget the weight. If you started weight lifting you could be a muscleman by April. Girls dig it. Really. Fine, don't believe me then...

I'd say aim for like 170 with muscles everywhere. Trust me, it's noticeable by girls muscles under clothes. With your huge brain there as well you'l be unresistable. Dood i am really serious, but somehow imagining the look on your face right now makes me doubt even my own honesty.

Anyhow, it's not my frat that keeps me busy, it's work. I find that jobs are easy to find if you're not raising a family... somehow i can't imagine myself in a more tiring and time consuming yet unrewarding job as i am in now. Although, technically it lets me act like the vice president of a company since i work with the boss more than anyone and change his mind on pricing and other things. What i'm trying to say is, find a really really fun job...really, that's all that matters. Money you can get on ebay. Quit your chatroom job btw james.

As you asked for posing, shall will you be poetically punished with my random rambling. Don't try to start a new room...i will find you...

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