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Subject: movie recommendations

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Date Posted: 01:10:03 02/17/03 Mon

Hi folks! I just saw a GREAT singaporean movie called "I Not Stupid." It's sooo funny, yet it is also so meaningful. It's social satire about Singapore, mainly dealing with the education system as well as Singapore's preference of English over Chinese. SOOOO funny and a heart warmer. Singlish is funny to listen to! Watch it if you guys can.

Also, "My Sassy Girl" which I know at least Ricky has seen. That is a sweet romantic melodrama (Korean) that just brings water to my eyes everytime I watch it. THe movie makes me want to have a sassy girl, too! But she would have to be as fine as the girl in the movie before I would wear high heels for her..haha

Goodness, I have about 1 month more of college, then I'm done! Woohoo! It's a crazy feeling -- not really having to worry about grades, that is. Now I just have to worry about finding a suitable full-time job.

Chewy, what's ur plan for after graduation? I don't think you've told me yet.

Ron, yeah, I think 170 might be ideal for me. My muscles are probably weighing me down. =) When I play basketball, ppl try to run through the screens I set, but most of the time they hit me like I'm a wall -- HAHA -- WHACK and they're out cold... jk jk

Here's a link to some very relevant reminders about our lives and how we should be living them. It's my pastor's sermons, but I find that there's so much truth in them that everyone will appreciate the insights. I know I have.


till next time,

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