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Date Posted: 06:10:22 03/12/08 Wed
Author: Fish
Subject: Soooo, we now know that one in every four teenage girls have at least 1 STD. And the # 1 STD they have can cause cancer ( HPV I think) . Obviously more teens are having sex these days, but that doesn't make it right, safe or smart. Just cause you can, don't mean you should. Pregnancy, STD's and all the emotional issues sex can cause - gotta agree with others, Todd should do EVERYTHING he can to protect his daughter. Blair should open her eyes and see how much Starr is actually risking. And for what? (click)

I know Blair is trying to be the 'good cop' here, but I hope she doesn't just let this slide. Finally she brought up the fact that Starr was the one that decided to go to Langstong's alone with Cole and is therefore responsible for what happened as well, but IMO, that is the tip of the iceberg regarding what Blair needs to discuss with Starr. Todd may be heavy handed, but this time I think he's being a better parent than Blair.

They both need to sit her down and insist she hear the risks, understand the concept of condums and that they are not 100% effective at either preventing pregnancy or STD's. Actually, they need to insist that Nora, McDrain and Cole are there for the discussion. And has anyone noticed that Cole has NOT told Nora or John that Todd caught them in bed, mostly naked and just pre or post having sex? Of course not because then John would have to admit he would have done the same thing if it was his 16 year old virgin daughter and Nora would have had to say SOMETHING about the fact that Cole was being both stupid and irresponsible. Can't have that now can we?

T&B should also state clearly that Cole's gaurdian Nora needs to step up and get involved. If Starr and Cole are embarrassed, even better.

Also, it is interesting that the first time Starr accuses Todd of being a monster he is actually acting out of love. Yes he could have handled it better, but he is trying to protect her. He's let Starr and Cole date for a while now, it's not that he suddenly wants to ruin her life (barf) by breaking them up. He loves her and wants to keep her safe.

And unless this has all been a SPD, why has no one noticed that Todd isn't just being 'Todd', but that he believes Cole raped Starr and she is either too tramatized or too much in love to admit it? And if that is what he believes, and I think he does, then why the hell wouldn't he want to kill Cole and do ANYTHING to keep him away from Starr. IMO he thinks he is the only one that sees the truth of what happened.

And nobody has snapped to fact that he may have gone off the deep end just a little? It's not like Blair hasn't seen batshit-crazy up close and personal before. So has Dorian. No doubt Viki will be just as oblivious, assuming she ever even hears about the whole thing. And Viki has lived batshit-crazy. Really, shouldn't SOMEONE think that perhaps Todd needs some serious help here? Not with keeping Cole away from Starr (GO TODD), but with being able to sort out his own demons as well fact from fiction.

IDK, maybe it's just me...

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[> Thank You, Fish. ICAM---While I agree that Todd was a bit over the top, I was more horrified by the fact that during Starr & Cole's sex talk, NOT ONE WORD was uttered about safe sex and/or protection...Hello, these are 21st Century teenagers here (click)!! -- LH, 10:48:13 03/12/08 Wed

I think it's great that Starr & Cole had the "are we really ready for sex" talk, but the way they went about it--sneaking around behind their parents/guardians' backs, out of desperation of being separated, no talk about safe sex, and no use of protection--was beyond irresponsible & reckless. It demonstrated just how UNPREPARED Starr & Cole were to have sex & face the possible consequences!!

I am a liberal woman in my 30s, who lost my virginity at 16; however, I never snuck around and I have always used protection and safe sex practices. As a result, I have never faced an unwanted pregnancy & am happily disease-free to this day!!

Some are venting about Todd's heavy-handed actions, while I am aghast that some are letting Starr completely slide in the wake of her irresponsible & reactionary behavior!! Wake Up, Folks---This is the age of AIDS & more STDs and bloodborne diseases that we can count at this point. Todd's actions may have been a bit heay-handed, but he is protecting his naive daughter, as well as, facing down his own past demons. As for Blair, I think she is still a bit shell-shocked. She is acting in the best interest of her whole family right now & playing mediator for Starr & Todd, pleading both of their cases. And, take into account that Blair arrived on the scene late. She did not see what Todd saw when that sheet came off--my guess is that Starr was fully exposed in all her glory & Todd knew they had sex. Starr subsequently lied to Blair about what happened & has evaded any further questions Blair posed. I applauded Blair yesterday when she told Starr to take responsibility for her own actions & their aftermath.

I have a very strong suspicion that Starr's lie to Blair will not slide. I think we will be looking at the very least a pregnancy scare, if not an actual teen pregnancy storyline (Jaime Lynn Spears, anyone??). And, how do you think Blair will react to the revelation that Starr did in fact have sex with Cole & lied to her? I think Todd will be playing family peacemaker at that point!!

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[> [> I agree with you both, Fish, and LH. I too am a bit aghast that more people (particularly BLAIR) are not coming down harder on Starr right now. I don't see her as a "victim" of big bad Todd as much as I see her irresponsible and impossibly immature behavior over the past few days! (click) -- Cathy, 11:30:07 03/12/08 Wed

I too, was so relieved that Blair FINALLY made mention of the fact that it was STARR'S CHOICE to go over to Langston's with Cole and that she put herself in the position to be found by (and embarassed by) Todd. I thought Blair would NEVER say it!

It seems the only reason that Starr is even talking to Blair is because Blair is getting her what she wants (not going to Hawaii, trying to talk Todd down, etc.) The minute Blair called Starr on some of her actions and demanded she take some of the blame, Starr went ballistic and accused Blair of "taking Todd's side". Sorry, that is WHACKED and UNACCEPTABLE! Starr is pitting Blair and Todd against one another. Can't Blair see that?

I remain shocked at Blair's fairly nonchalant reaction when Todd point blank asked her if she was ok with Starr and Cole having sex. Blair's response of "nothing happened" and "Starr loves him" and "they may be young, but they're in love" was NOT OK IN MY BOOK! As Fish and LH have said, not one mention of protection from Blair!! At least Todd is advocating abstinence!

I also wonder how Blair will feel when she realizes Starr lied to her. Maybe she won't even care as she appears to not be that upset that her 16 year old daughter was planning on having sex with no protection. Instead, she (Blair) is mostly upset at Todd's behavior and if it is traumatizing Starr. What about STARR'S BEHAVIOR?????

I sure hope Blair's stance begins to change a bit as this story continues. It seemed from yesterday's ep that she is starting to call Starr out a bit -- thank GOODNESS!

I agree that Todd's methods are extreme, but everything he is doing is being done to protect Starr. Blair isn't doing her daughter any favors by telling her things like, "you have nothing to be ashamed of no matter what happened last night." Uhh, I beg to differ. If Starr had sex at 16 without even considering or talking about protection that she most certainly does have something to be ashamed of!

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[> [> [> And what about Cole? Other than Todd beating him up a little ain't nobody said 'boo' to that weasle. Neither Nora or John know what circumstances Todd found them in, but man, shouldn't they, like ask. Or something? And I think OLTL missed an opportunity with Gigi to really delve into how hard it is on a single teenage mother. Yes they hinted at it but what we mostly saw was a plucky girl making it on her own. I hope she at least has a convo with Starr in which she tells her how hard it really is, with lots of details and angst -- Fish, 13:40:51 03/12/08 Wed

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[> [> [> I think Blair is faboulous Mother,Blair told Starr by her choice to go over Langston with Cole put her in a bad situation and then Starr was going to ran out the door sometimes you can help children out by simply showing them love instead of hammering on down. Starr told Blair they did;nt have sex .i did;nt want Cole and Starr to have sex either but i also did;nt want todd to go crazy on everybody,when Blair finds out Starr had sex i think Blair will be upset.Blair has to be strong to keep Todd fro doing stupid Stuff.Blair Rocks. -- shelia, 10:27:29 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> Listen, I bow to Blair. She has four children, and she does her best to handle them all! ;) -- Cathy, 13:16:13 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> I bow to Blair too. It's more like she has 3.5 kids---Todd can immature & child-like at times, but he is ALL MAN in all the most important ways..lol!!! -- LH, 17:02:16 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> I think both Todd & Blair are good parents--most of the time. In the scheme of Daytime parents & family units, I think TnB are the BEST of the bunch!!!! It's just that sometimes their self-absorption & egos muck up the works. -- LH, 16:58:27 03/13/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: I think both Todd & Blair are good parents--most of the time. In the scheme of Daytime parents & family units, I think TnB are the BEST of the bunch!!!! It's just that sometimes their self-absorption & egos muck up the works. -- gannet123, 18:20:50 03/13/08 Thu

IMO Kassie,KA,TSJ,and BB are doing excellent work with this teen story. I also think Blair will get where Todd is coming from a little more after she realizes they actually slept together. Blair was very much in shock when she first believed Sole slept together but then she believed Starr's lie.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> IA w/you, Gannet. I think the acting is phenomenal in this storyline. I have called the comment with much praise to all involved. TSJ, KDP, & KA in particular have been riveting & are really hitting it out of the park together!!! I also believe that T&B will be more in sync again once Blair learns what really happened & that Starr has lied to her. D-Day is coming for Starr! -- LH, 03:36:13 03/14/08 Fri

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[> IA that the acting been great. The parenting? In this sl, not so much. Not from either T or B, but Todd did try stop the sex. The least I want from T&B is to demand Cole/John/Nora have a sit-down to discuss all the unpleasant side effects sex can have, insist Cole get tested for STDs if he wants to see Starr, promise death if protection isn't used and get Starr immediately on bc pills. Someone should be both realistic (if kids wanna sneek around and screw they will) and responsible (they wanna do 'adult' things, they should take adult precautions). JMHO -- Fish, 07:22:55 03/14/08 Fri

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[> [> Wise Words, Fish. It will be interesting to see how this story plays out & how much significance is placed on safe sex, protection, and/or abstinence. -- LH, 12:35:50 03/16/08 Sun

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[> So, looks like Starr is going to get some major news very soon!!! Gee, wonder what it could be?!! Starr & Cole best have their track shoes on! -- LH, 06:15:28 03/22/08 Sat

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[> [> As far as I'm concerned, Starr deserves whatever she gets. Her stupidity demands it. And in this day and age, having sex without protection is just that - STUPIDITY. -- Cathy, 12:07:49 04/03/08 Thu

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[> [> [> ETA: I strongly feel that this should have been written a different way - a way that would have preserved Starr's character (and the smarts she's been proven to have over the years)... -- Cathy, 14:15:49 04/03/08 Thu

If Starr and Cole had used protection and the condom had broken/malfunctioned (a la Lulu and Dillion on GH), then I could have bought it so much more.

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[> [> [> [> That's the current story that GH is doing with Robin & Patrick. Guess they figure it's too much repetition. God forbid, our 21st Century teen lovers be INFORMED!!! -- LH, 15:27:18 04/04/08 Fri

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[> [> Yeah, I hear ya, Cathy. If Starr & Cole would have included some discussion about sex safe during their talk, I would have been much happier. I am really enthralled by the current story & KDP, TSJ, KA, and BB have me glued to the screen even more than usual these days. But, the sex safe and lack of protection aspect needs to be fully addressed here. Starr did finally mention it during her confession to Langston, but it needs to be thoroughly explored during this story!!! -- LH, 15:42:54 04/03/08 Thu

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