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Date Posted: 20:22:32 03/27/08 Thu
Author: Terry
Subject: starr needs to be aged to 18-20 years old. fact is KA is too young looking even at 16 years old. she still looks 13. that is why this cole storyline does not work for me.
In reply to: kathy 's message, "has starr lost her mind. In the previews for tomorrow she tells todd adn b lair ythat sam belongs with marcie not todd. when did starr get so nasty and mean spiriited, stgarr is vaery unlikeable right now. and starr and cole are not romeo and julietr, sorry abc promo depts." on 09:44:55 03/20/08 Thu

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[> [> I agree that Kristen is very young looking, even for 16. I love her portrayal of Starr though. The reason Starr/Cole doesn't work for me is that I just don't believe in this undying love between them that is trying to be communicated (click) -- Cathy, 00:15:33 03/28/08 Fri

For me to enjoy a soap story, I have to believe, and I just don't believe this relationship (Sole). Maybe it is the shallow way Cole has been written over the past year and a half, maybe it's the actor who portrays him, or maybe it's just what I perceive as the lack of chemistry between the two actors. Whatever it is, I just can't buy their "Romeo and Juliet" status. I don't feel it. At all. I feel more for Todd and Blair in this story than I do for the main protagonists.

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[> [> [> Re: re-cast of STARR big mistake -- Lynne, 04:03:53 03/29/08 Sat

I have loved the character of starr from the beginning. she has not been your sweet soap kid. She is the definite off spring of blair and Todd. She went toe to toe with Max,Asa and Dorian.

She is a BRAT and I love her for that. I think if they re-casted her they would lose alot of loyal viewers. 30 years and counting for me.

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[> [> [> [> On Kristen looking too young. I understand that Kristen playing Starr actually grew up before our eyes but to recast her to make us feel better is a wrong. The story remains the same and in reality there are teens looking just like KA that are getting pregnant. More. -- RT, 04:44:32 03/29/08 Sat

I agree though that the writing could have been sharper in terms of that Viki,Jessica or others haven't been around to talk to Starr especially since Todd is throwing the accusation of rape out there.

Just like to say the KA is doing fine and I think she will have a lot to show us in the coming weeks.

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[> [> [> [> i sure hope Starr is not pregnant ,that would kill Blair. -- shelia, 10:16:40 03/29/08 Sat

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[> [> [> [> [> That's not looking very likely! -- LH, 21:12:32 04/07/08 Mon

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[> [> KA plays Starr as the perfect T&B offspring---which is EXACTLY what & who she is. I think KA is doing an excellent job with the current story & making it very believable. However, I also feel more for T&B and the Manning Family as a whole than I do for Starr & Cole. -- LH, 20:10:10 03/30/08 Sun

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[> [> Starr looks young because Kristen is the ONLY one in the teen story who is REALLY 16. The rest are ALL older playing 16. I think they need to have a real 16 in the role, so those fans who are 16 have someone who realistically represents their age bracket. Fan may not like it but there are alot of 16 years olds out there who are having sex and little girls who do end up pregnant, who are just children themselves. The storyline would not be nearly as dramatic if it were a 22 year playing 16. This is a very real issue with teens and their parents and not addressing it won't make it go away. -- tonya, 05:14:00 04/01/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Is there some STD that is A) disfiguring (like maybe giant weepy sores all over the body and your hair falls out), B) is extremely painful C) can be cured, but the cure is that is both painful and slow? If there is I hope Starr has it....a nice 'gift' from Cole. Oh, and she can be pg too but the STD kills the baby. Tell THAT story ABC. I'm glad that Starr finally mentioned she should have used protection yesterday. Far as I can tell ABC is not 'addressing' much, at least not so far. Why is no one discussing birth control and STDs with Starr? Hopefully that will happen. -- Fish, 05:42:44 04/01/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Then maybe they should actually address it as opposed to what we've got on screen. Kristen's blog is deeper and has more resonance than the story on-screen right now. This isn't a story about Starr having sex anymore, it's a story about what a big psychotic meanie Todd is for not liking it and beating the crap out of the kid who deflowered his princess. They want to tell this story? TELL IT. Right now, they're not doing that. -- Dandesun, 07:42:03 04/01/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> So far Todd beating the crap out of Cole is about the only thing I've either liked or agreed with in this entire storyline. And I see in the news today there is more great stuff on the teen front - in some cities less than 50% graduate. Yeah, parents abdicating their responsibility is working out just great. We've got a bunch of teens giving each other STDs, having babies and dropping out of school. There are reasons why teens shouldn't be allowed to do any damn thing they want. -- Fish, 10:05:31 04/01/08 Tue

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[> [> [> Agreed, Tonya. I think the fact that KA is really 16 does skew things a bit in some people's interpretation. This is a very timely & relevant issue and I am thrilled that OLTL is addressing it!!! There are so many teens out there having sexual relations & many of them are under 16. I know that is a harsh reality for some, but is reality nonetheless. It's wonderful that OLTL is tackling it head-on---I applaud OLTL & the cast!!! -- LH, 06:18:09 04/03/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> I think Kristen Is doing an excellent job with that Storyline and so is Kassie.Todd is beginning to come down,Blair will keep him in straight.But i don;t how i would act if i had a daughter and caught her in bed with a guy,i hope i could be understandering and trust like Blair did. -- shelia, 11:48:38 04/03/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> The acting from KDP, TSJ, KA, & KA has been top notch!! Really brilliant in fact. I think Blair is starting to get through to Todd with some help from Addie & Viki. I don't harbor any ill will towards Todd in this story. This is an extremely volatile & unpredictable situation. -- LH, 21:16:43 04/07/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Oops! Should read: The acting from KDP, TSJ, KA, & BB has been top notch!! -- LH, 21:17:56 04/07/08 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Kassie,Kristen,Trevor is doing an excellent job.i just wished Todd would.nt be so dam mean. -- shelia, 12:24:36 04/08/08 Tue

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> No Worries, Sheila. I think once our T&B lovin' is amped up again, Todd will be a very happy guy. He just misses his OTB Blair!! And, he is frustrated by their lovesick teenage daughter. -- LH, 15:17:19 04/08/08 Tue

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