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Date Posted: 09:34:56 02/21/08 Thu
Author: Claude
Subject: Daytime Emmy Prenom List

Here's the list soaps.com put up:

Outstanding Lead Actor Pre-Nominees:
All My Children’s David Canary (Adam/Stuart), Thorsten Kaye (Zach Slater) and Michael E. Knight (Tad)
As the World Turns’s Scott Bryce (Craig), Jon Hensley (Holden), and Michael Park (Jack)
Bold and the Beautiful’s John McCook (Eric), Ronn Moss (Ridge) and Jack Wagner (Nick)
Days of Our Lives’ Stephen Nichols (Steve), James Scott (EJ), Thaao Penghlis (Tony) and Peter Reckell (Bo)
General Hospital’s Steve Burton (Jason), Tyler Christopher (Nikolas) and Anthony Geary (Luke)
Guiding Light’s Ricky Paull Goldin (Gus), Robert Newman (Josh) and Ron Raines (Alan)
One Life to Live’s Michael Easton (John), Robert S. Woods (Bo) and Jerry verDorn (Clint)
The Young and the Restless’ Peter Bergman (Jack), Eric Braeden (Victor) and Christian LeBlanc (Michael)

Outstanding Lead Actress Pre-Nominees:
AMC's Bobbie Eakes (Krystal) and Susan Lucci (Erica)
ATWT's Martha Byrnes (Lily), Terri Colombino (Katie) and Maura West (Carly)
Bold and the Beautiful's Susan Flannery (Stephanie), Hunter Tylo (Taylor) and Katherine Kelly Lang (Brooke)
Days' Deidre Hall (Marlena) and Alison Sweeney (Sami)
GH's Nancy Lee Grahn (Alexis), Megan Ward (Kate) and Laura Wright (Carly)
GL's Crystal Chappell (Olivia), and Nicole Forrester (Cassie)
OLTL's Erika Slezak (Viki), Kassie DePaiva (Blair) and Robin Strasser (Dorian)
Passions' Lindsay Hartley (Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald), McKenzie Westmore (Sheridan) and Tracey Ross (Eve)
Y&R's Jeanne Cooper (Katherine), Melody Thomas Scott (Nikki), and Michelle Stafford (Phyllis)

Outstanding Supporting Actor Pre-Nominees:
AMC’s Jeffrey Carlson (ex-Zoe), Jacob Young (JR) and Billy J. Miller (Richie)
ATWT’s Trent Dawson (Henry), Grayson McCouch (Dusty) and Austin Peck (Brad)
Bold and the Beautiful’s William deVry (Storm), Patrick Duffy (Stephen), and Dax Griffin (Shane)
Days’ Bryan Dattilo (Lucas), Jay Kenneth Johnson (Phillip), and Joseph Mascolo (Stefano)
GH’s Bradford Anderson (Spinelli), Rick Hearst (Ric) and Sebastian Roche (Jerry)
GL’s Murray Bartlett (Cyrus), Jordan Clarke (Billy) and Daniel Cosgrove (Bill)
OLTL’s Brian Kerwin (Charlie), John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex) and Tuc Watkins (ex-David)
Christopher Maleki (Spike), Phillip Jeanmarie (Vincent) and Eric Martsolf (Ethan)
Y&R’s Greg Rikaart (Kevin), Ted Shackelford (ex-William) and Kristoff St. John (Neil)

Outstanding Supporting Actress Pre-Nominees:
AMC’s Alicia Minshew (Kendall) and Sabine Singh (ex-Greenlee)
ATWT’s Kelley Menighan Hensley (Emily), Colleen Zenk Pinter (Barbara) and Marie Wilson (Meg)
B&B's Jennifer Gareis (Donna), Lesli Kay (Felicia) and Heather Tom (Katie)
Days’ Judi Evans (Bonnie), Martha Madison (Belle) and Mary-Beth Evans (Kayla)
GH’s Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth), Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) and Kimberly McCullough (Robin)
GL’s Beth Chamberlin (Beth) Marcy Rylan (Lizzie) and Gina Tognoni (Dinah)
OLTL’s Kathy Brier (Marcie), Catherine Hickland (Lindsay) and Bree Williamson (Jessica)
Erin Cardillo (Esme) and Melinda Sward (Pretty)
Y&R’s Tracey E. Bregman (Lauren), Judith Chapman (Gloria) and Adrienne Frantz (Amber)

Outstanding Younger Actor Pre-Nominees:
ATWT’s Van Hansis (Luke), Jake Siberman (Luke) and Jesse Lee Sofer (Will)
Days’ Blake Berris (Nick), Darin Brooks (Max) and Matthew Florida (Ford)
GH’s Dylan Cash (Michael) and Josh Duhon (Logan)
GL's Lawrence Saint-Victor (Remy), Tom Pelphrey (ex-Tom) and John Driscoll (Coop)
OLTL’s Brandon Buddy (Cole), Edward Alderson (Matthew) and Jason Tam (Markko)
Adrian Bellani (Migue) and Blair Redford (Miguel)
Y&R’s Hunter Allen (Noah) and Bryton McClure (Devon)

Outstanding Younger Actress Pre-Nominees:
AMC’s Melissa Claire Egan (Annie), Chrishell Stause (Amanda) and Leven Rambin (Lily/Ava)
ATWT’s Jennifer Landon (Gwen), Alexandra Chando (Maddie) and Marnie Schulenburg (Alison)
B&B's MacKenzie Mauzy (Phoebe)
Days’ Shelley Henig (Stephanie), Kristen Renton (Morgan) and Rachel Melvin (Chelsea)
GH’s Julie Marie Berman (Lulu) and Kirsten Storms (Maxie)
GL’s Mandy Bruna (Marina), Bonnie Dennison (Daisy) and Caitlin Van Zandt (Ashlee)
OLTL’s Kristen Alderson (Starr), Farah Fath (Gigi) and Brittany Underwood (Langston)
Danica Stewart (Jessica) and Hannia Guillen (Paloma)
Y&R’s Vail Bloom (Heather) Emily O'Brien (Jana), Tammin Sursok (Colleen) and Christel Khalil (Lily)

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[> I see OLTL nominations for Robert Woods,Jerry Ver Dorn,Catherine Hickland,Kathy Brier, and Britney Underwood. Underwood has surpassed Alderson. She is the better younger actress in my opinion. -- Terry, 15:04:47 02/21/08 Thu

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[> [> It is not a contest bewtween KA and BU but I disagree wuth you. KA plays Starr so easily and real I think sometimes it is easy to forget how great she is. -- tonya, 03:47:00 02/22/08 Fri

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[> [> [> I'm w/you Tonya. I have literally watched KA grow up & into a FABULOUS talent on LOTL. She is a NATURAL!!! -- Terry C, 05:41:19 02/22/08 Fri

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[> [> [> [> I sure hope Kassie wins you sure do deserve it and i hope Star wins. -- shelia, 15:36:48 02/25/08 Mon

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[> [> I think both young women are good actresses. I enjoy how each brings forth their character. -- ApothoKeri, 04:35:28 02/24/08 Sun

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[> Yeah yeah she is a natural. But i am just saying Underwood surpassed Alderson in 2007 with storyline and the acting -- Terry, 07:06:25 02/22/08 Fri

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[> [> I dissagree on both counts. The story was about Starr, not Langston. Both actresses did amazing work and play great off each other. You seem to imply that for BU to be great she has to be better than KA. I think both are a huge plus for OLT and it would be great if BOTH gave an Emmy Nod. Then I would compare them... and root for Kristen, lol. But for now I say YAY for both. I am rooting for both of them to get a nod.. -- tonya, 07:32:37 02/22/08 Fri

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[> [> I wished Star and Langston would both get a Nod but i would definitely wants Starr to wish,we watch her her grow up on the Show,she is a natural like her mom Blair. -- shelia, 11:14:44 02/22/08 Fri

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[> [> I still care more about Starr than I do about Langston, who is an ok character, but still not fleshed out enough for me. BU is fine, but Starr as a character is the winner in my book. Don't see the Starr/Cole chemistry and I feel it'd be better if they were separated, but other than that, I think KA is phenomenal. -- Cathy, 17:35:28 02/23/08 Sat

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[> As for me..not sure what to think about OLTL Younger Actresses. But i do hope Underwood and Alderson both snag noms. However i agree with Terry...BU delivered a bit more better than KA. I also hope Jeffrey Carlson snags a nod for AMC. -- Claude, 14:16:09 02/22/08 Fri

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[> IA that both KA & BU have acting chops to spare and nice voices as well. I would like to see both get an Emmy nod at some point, but I think KA is the more likely one because she has been a MVP for OLTL for years. But, so has Kassie & look how long it took for her to get a nod! In an Emmy vote, KA would get mine and Kassie, without a doubt! -- LH, 18:21:55 02/24/08 Sun

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[> I don't care how season Robert Woods is, he has not been in a lead story in 10 yrs. or more. He should take his name out the lead nomination. -- DaJ, 03:51:59 02/26/08 Tue

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[> [> "Seasoned" is a polite way of putting it. RSW has been chewing up scenery for years. How he continues to be placed in the pre-noms escapes me. His castmates obviously yield to his "seasoning". LameBo was the most inept police commish EVER, but I do not want Ramsey in his place! -- LH, 20:27:37 02/26/08 Tue

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[> [> [> I'm glad they fired his butt too. I'm not crazy Ramsey either, but he will shake up Llanview for a while. I hope he's not another Spencer. -- DaJ, 05:53:49 02/27/08 Wed

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[> [> [> [> I like Bo alot better than i do Ramsey.Ramsey is a Smart Ass. -- shelia, 14:29:59 02/27/08 Wed

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[> [> [> [> [> I don't like Ramsey either, but I'm sick of Bo period. He turns his head too much, that's not justice. All I expect him to do is his job. -- DaJ, 04:14:21 02/28/08 Thu

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[> [> [> [> [> [> ITA DAJ. I mean I still like Woodsie, but he has sucked as commish, but given the choices I'll take him back ANYDAY!!! I'm hopping Ramsey is just around long enoiugh for another WHO DONE IT MURDER S/l. iT LOOKS LIKE THEY CAN BE PILING UP THE SUSPECTS. What do we think guys????????? -- Terry C, 06:46:50 02/28/08 Thu

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[> [> I will take Bo over Ramsey anyday!!! But, the LPD does need a new commish--LameBo is a DUD!! I would opt for Antonio or even John as commish over Ramsey & I am only lukewarm towards Antonio & John as characters. -- LH, 16:59:29 02/28/08 Thu

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[> To: Tonya or Kassie. Has the Emmy reels been picked yet for Emmy consideration? If so..what are the reels? -- Claude, 15:55:50 02/27/08 Wed

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[> Has Kassie's Emmy reels been picked yet? -- Terry, 09:41:20 03/04/08 Tue

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