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Date Posted: 05:48:09 03/05/08 Wed
Author: tonya
Subject: This month Kristen Alderson celebrates her 10th year in OLTL.

I think watching her grow up made watching yesterday's show hard for some fans. Kristen also looks like the average 16 year old, since she is not a 20 year old playing 16, she really is 16. I thought she handled the scenes tenderly. Any 16 year old in love thinks it is forever and in many ways Todd has no one to blame but himself. He set the event in motion. Starr and Cole would have proably gotten to this point, but it would not have been this soon. When he threatened to move her away from Cole he did not think of the consequences.

Everyone send Kristen a card at the studio for her 10th.
Kristen Alderson
56 West 66 Street
NY, NY 10023

Email Kristen: kristen@kristenalderson.net

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[> I have watched her grow up on this show. KA is such a phenom & can really play ball w/Kassie & Trevor. They are all MVP talents!!! -- LH, 11:47:04 03/05/08 Wed

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