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Subject: gnomes

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Date Posted: 08:37:36 03/19/07 Mon

I wonder if you can research something for me It’s something that has been puzzling me for years. It’s about something that happened to me and everyone else at the time, I don’t know if you heard about it, it’s very strange actually. The time was about 1962 or maybe 1963 possibly a bit later it’s so long ago I cant remember exactly .the place was opposite my school yard . The school was brae street in edge hill it was about 4 o’clock as we were all going home someone started to look up to a window in a house that overlooked the school ground. What we all saw was really strange sitting on the window ledge were a few little people that looked just like a story book gnomes, they were getting in and out of the window looking at us all looking at them.

So when I got home I told my dad and he went with me to school to see if he could see anything but when we got there there were a few police around keeping the children and others away, as you can imagine it created a lot of interest. Well a few days later they demolished the house that the gnomes were in, and I can remember that I had seen some articles in the echo about these little people one was reported to have bitten a police man and one was in jail and escaped I know it sounds crazy but I did see them and I once even saw it in a book it written about. But I never found out what it was, was it hoax why did they knock the building down? And I can’t find out anything on line I wonder if you can go to the Liverpool echo and see if the have any info in their archives. I was telling my son and he really wants to find out more about it and so do I. But being so far away I can’t get any info, do you think you can? Thanks anyway buts its fascinating isn’t it?

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