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Subject: Memories

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Date Posted: 01:19:13 06/02/07 Sat
In reply to: Tom 's message, "The New Forum" on 14:29:15 02/18/07 Sun

>I'm in Australia now and writing my memories of growing up in Aintree for my family. I was Beryl Stewart, born 1937 in Ealing Road and educated at Rice Lane Junior and Queen Mary Grammar Schools. I played hockey for Maghull Ladies until I married Stan Burgess (who was an apprentice at JJ Smith's Melling) and moved to Derby.

My Mother (May Haydon) came from Bootle/Litherland she had three brothers Ernie, John and Bert and four sisters Nell, Bertha, Mira and Marjie.

Mira worked at ROF, Aintree and Nell at Dunlops Tyre Factory (Walton). during and/or just after the war and I am curious to know the kind of work the women were involved in at the ROF

If anyone recognises any of these names or maybe had a mother/grandmother living in that area around WW2 I'd love to hear from you and maybe share some of our experiences.

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