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Subject: ? Re: Dunsanian/Peganian (?) workings

Michael Bell
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Date Posted: 08:38:04 02/14/01 Wed
In reply to: James Russell 's message, "Re: Dunsanian/Peganian (?) workings" on 02:14:25 02/14/01 Wed

>>I wouldn't begin to know how... doesn't seem all that
>>much material is there to work with... I wonder, has
>>anybody ever tried working with the gods of Pegana?
>>Maybe with some sort of seudoZen-like Discordian
>>approach? It would have to be some sort of Sufi/Tao
>>path thing. If that makes any sense... :-) Worth a
>>try, I think.
>This leads me to ask another question in turn...
>namely, how exactly does one "work" with a fictional
>pantheon like Dunsany's? I'm something of a novice
>when it comes to the practice of magic(k) these days,
>so don't understand how it is done to begin with.

This is just what I'm asking.

Errg... a friend of mine is reading the Chaosium edition of Pegana at the moment and all I've got on my shelf now is the _The Hashish Man_. I'd like to see if I can pull a few examples out of the hat. Maybe a pathworking exersize to the end of the world to confront the little god who says "I know naught". :-) See what visions come along the way? Lucid dreaming? Or check out the prototype of Nyarlathotep - Alhireth-Hotep the prophet. How does he relate to Nyarlathotep?

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