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Date Posted: 18:32:07 02/10/03 Mon
Author: Zandramas
Subject: Zandramas' Bio
In reply to: Administrator 's message, "Biographies" on 20:29:30 02/09/03 Sun

Zandramas was born on the mountain ridge of Karak Eight Peaks, and lost her father at a young age. She killed her three siblings in order to make sure that she would survive by gaining her parents’ full attention, and grew up quickly. When she was thirteen years old, she met a male mottled green dragon of her kind named Malkariss. Malkariss fathered her first clutch, which contained three eggs. One female and two males were spawned, the female green, and the males one black and one white. She named them Timi, Rama and Karakk- and was soon plotted against by her mate and her two younger hatchlings, Karakk and Timi. Karakk, a black dragon nearly as large as his mother (she was approximately 44 feet tall on four legs at this time) was to challenge her. Rama, her eldest and the white, stood by his mother. Feigning death, Zandramas managed to destroy her recalcitrant son, and also turned on his father and sister. Rama killed the sister, and Malkariss was punished by having him fall eternally through the waterfalls at the edges of the world. Her life then took a peculiar turn, at the age of twenty-four she was captured with the rest of her clan, and chained heavily to the ground. After several attempts to escape, she finally did so, however the rest of her kindred died. She flew north, only to find the same barbarians there. A wizard changed her form from Dragon to human, which made her vengeful and incredibly confused. The human world was different to what she had thought, but soon she managed to get along without any aides. She was appointed Empress, Empress of the largest landmass on the planet, and this drove her power mad. Megalomania became her master- but this attracted the somewhat arrogant and attractive Duke Drakka. Drakka and she became lovers, and soon they received from the Daemon Iva-Italis the sword Destar Twelve. This contained the soul of an old Daemon, and was linked to Zandramas, whose lust for power had just begun. She and Drakka created the largest army ever seen, mutants and beasts of ugly make, which were powerful, each in their own rights. With this army she destroyed her own world. Destar Thirteen came into her grip, and the stone at it’s pommel also became the replacement for her heart after a particularly nasty encounter with rebel forces. Although declared invincible, a Dragon Fang or Demon Fang could kill her. One man had made a Dragon fang blade, and ripped it through the armour and down her stomach from behind. With a stone for her heart, electricity became her life force. Her blood was there, but instead of being pumped by the organ, it was shot around with electric vibes. Many wonder how this function can actually come about, but it is said that the Daemon inside the stone keeps her alive because it is secretly in love with her. Soon, Drakka betrayed her trust and formed a rebel alliance- simply because he could see that she was destroying the world through her desire for domination. She ended up killing him, regretfully, but it was done. However, this grief brought to her sight. She could now see that there was nothing but a world of dead to be ruled here, and so she and her son Rama, who had also survived, met at the battle field. She took the form of the Dragon after summoning much energy, and Rama remained to watch over the place. She flew on to many planets, but was summoned to the home-world of an old friend of hers. The planet Rinaad was in turmoil, and her friend captured by a demon. She flew in haste to rescue her friend- before realising that her friend, FireClaw Vulcan, did not wish to be rescued. Soon after, Drakka returned from the dead. He tortured her for her killing of him, before she seduced him and they became lovers again. She then found a new planet, where she was forced to resume her human form and be captured by the beasts there, reeking lizards. They cast her into the slave pits, and after that a dungeon with her new friend, Zeth. Drakka, and by this time her three children by him, were trying to get her out. However, in doing so, they were cast into the dungeons too. They were there for ten miserable years, before Zandramas’ problem with coping with frustration lead her to break her way out of the cell by berserk, brute strength. They escaped with the rest of the prisoners, and formed rebel forces. However, in the escape, three guards had attacked them and grasped her daughter tightly. They raped and killed her, before Drakka and his sons attacked them. Although they killed the guards, time had been wasted. Reinforcements arrived, and Destar Thirteen was still in the dungeons, locked away forever. Drakka and Zandramas’ sons were killed, and Zeth had some trouble dragging the stricken and distraught Zandramas out of there. They all escaped save Zandramas’s family, and created a rebel encampment. Since then she has been a changed woman, searching for love but fearing it also. Her trust of men is very tenuous, and she will rarely trust a man even if he swears on everything he has. She is wiser, older and much changed, although inside there is still a fire, a fire that will bring the youth and heated battle rage back to an aging, immortal woman.

Zandramas’ additional abilities are as follows;
1. The ability to morph into her Dragon form- however this requires a vast amount of energy because of the sheer size of this other form. Very nearly as tall as a mountain and with a wingspan twice this, Zandramas would need an energy crystal or a Daemonic being such as the one in Destar Thirteen. Since this sword is now redundant, it is unknown if she can still do this.
2. Agility. Zandramas’ agility in human form is skilful to the point of professionalism. This has made her hard to defeat. She attacks with quick, sharp slashes since strength against her enemies has always been folly- her speed has been vital. Very few can outrun or beat her in any kind of speed, and her acrobatic skill has derived from this, making her a hard opponent to track and deal heavy blows.
3. She has no need to breathe or to keep her blood flow. Her stone ‘heart’ makes sure that she can survive without these. This again makes her formidable, and very often helps her succeed.
4. The Daemon spirit of Destar Thirteen is still inside her. It can be summoned into any physical form she may chose, but again this causes her extreme fatigue and drains her of almost every ounce of energy. Destar Thirteen’s Daemon is a renegade Daemon, and therefore holds a great deal of power.
Zandramas’ weaknesses are as follows;
1. Zandramas has a hard time dealing with frustration. Occasionally this will get the better of her, and she will lose the ability to think rationally in battle. She begins taking more risks and appears more savage, and she also uses more force attacks than speed. This is the time when she can be easily overpowered with strength. In this way she locks onto her target and will not stop until one of them is dead or her frustration ‘fit’ has left her.
2. Love. Zandramas can be easily manipulated by mockery of old loved ones or the stark cruelty of forcing her to remember their deaths. This will either send her into tears or make her become extremely weak, or send her berserk and into another frustrated ‘fit’. However, this isn’t safe unless in great numbers with willing sacrifices. A single person would probably be cut down in her initial attack, since it is very hard to judge when it will come.
3. Zandramas’ physical weak spot is an old war wound, which she covers with ease. It lies underneath her thigh-guards, which she wears constantly. It is one long scar ripping down her thigh and weakening the muscle. If this is shot, slashed or hit heavily, it will lower her speed and weaken her drastically.

Zandramas carried ten hidden daggers on her person at all times, and when sleeping one is always in her fist and another underneath her pillow. Her weapon is normally a curved Saracen blade, or two, or a Druchii Executioner sword. Her skills at throwing daggers are elite, and she will only miss if greatly distracted or her wrist is weakened.

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[> Pherion's bio -- Pherion, 19:01:25 02/13/03 Thu


Name: Pherion
Race: Aruvmorax
Age: 4 Years
Eyes: Indigo and glowing
Fur: Golden brown
Scales: High polished gold

Strong willed and innocent to the ways of civilization or the wild, he was lab created and spawned by means of magick and science deviding the rifts of space and time. Through meaans unknown to him he mannaged to become smuggled from his creators domain. Probably for ransom or to be sold to a colector of oddities. During the transition the carivan in which he was so carefully stowed tiped, scattering his cage to the ground and opening the frail latch that bound him within the bars.

Making a swift dash to the patch of light emiting from behind the curtans, Pherion found himself tumbling onto a dirt road out of the back end of the pavilion sized cart. Over time he found himself hunted by seekers of fortune and farm owners alike for his golden pelt of scales and fur. This makes him extreamly shy and fearful of anyone with drawn weapons due to incidents and mishaps involving him rending them apart in a sudden blur. He fears the strength he holds.

Childlike but mature in mind, the Aruvmorax creature meandered into a dark forest, the high cliff to the west offering a great protection and shelter from those who would seek him. In his mind he was still hunted, though that was not truely the case. There he discovered he was adept and supernaturaly adept at climbing as well as weaving through trees, rocky alcoves, and dappled patches of light beaming their rays through the sky of leaves above his head. His speed has protected him from harm as well and kept his belly full from small rabits and prey he favors.

He seeks nothing other then to exsist, knowing nothing of the world around him save for what his glimering eyes see. But there is an emptiness within, something he cannot explain. Perhaps the knowledge nop one or thing he has seen has been like him drove him to it. Or perhaps his internal clock ticks to continue his gene-pool. Even he cannot be certain.

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