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Date Posted: 19:01:25 02/13/03 Thu
Author: Pherion
Subject: Pherion's bio
In reply to: Administrator 's message, "Biographies" on 20:29:30 02/09/03 Sun


Name: Pherion
Race: Aruvmorax
Age: 4 Years
Eyes: Indigo and glowing
Fur: Golden brown
Scales: High polished gold

Strong willed and innocent to the ways of civilization or the wild, he was lab created and spawned by means of magick and science deviding the rifts of space and time. Through meaans unknown to him he mannaged to become smuggled from his creators domain. Probably for ransom or to be sold to a colector of oddities. During the transition the carivan in which he was so carefully stowed tiped, scattering his cage to the ground and opening the frail latch that bound him within the bars.

Making a swift dash to the patch of light emiting from behind the curtans, Pherion found himself tumbling onto a dirt road out of the back end of the pavilion sized cart. Over time he found himself hunted by seekers of fortune and farm owners alike for his golden pelt of scales and fur. This makes him extreamly shy and fearful of anyone with drawn weapons due to incidents and mishaps involving him rending them apart in a sudden blur. He fears the strength he holds.

Childlike but mature in mind, the Aruvmorax creature meandered into a dark forest, the high cliff to the west offering a great protection and shelter from those who would seek him. In his mind he was still hunted, though that was not truely the case. There he discovered he was adept and supernaturaly adept at climbing as well as weaving through trees, rocky alcoves, and dappled patches of light beaming their rays through the sky of leaves above his head. His speed has protected him from harm as well and kept his belly full from small rabits and prey he favors.

He seeks nothing other then to exsist, knowing nothing of the world around him save for what his glimering eyes see. But there is an emptiness within, something he cannot explain. Perhaps the knowledge nop one or thing he has seen has been like him drove him to it. Or perhaps his internal clock ticks to continue his gene-pool. Even he cannot be certain.

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[> Re: Biographies -- Perpetual, 14:39:04 12/13/04 Mon

Perpetual- ( Human name- Alana )
Age: 19
Type: Druid/Seraphin
Sex: Female

Description: Perpetual has long dark curly sable hair. Darken mohogany optics. A slender strong figure. Small plush lips. Caremel tan skin. A a hush hypnotic voice. She pulls men in with her sexual motions, decives them for being utterly stupid in thinking that she wouldn't stay loyal to Jeti. Secretive. Has very few close friends she would give her life for. But isn't stupid enough to let emotions get in the way of her job. She crys crimson. The blood of those she wittnessess herself kill. Sticks with her forever. They fall from her optics. Forever the crys come out crimson blood. Perpetualy. Which is how she had gotten her name. Perpetual.

Short Story. -

In the darken night Perpetual looks up into the sky, Staring at the dull lighted moon with her dark mahogany eyes. Her long brown hair lies to the side as her head is tilted. Thoughts as tangled and thick as clematis vines run through her mind. Slightly opening her mouth she inhales the freshly sweeten air letting it fill her lungs. She glances around at the area as she exhales. She closes her eyes and listens to the sounds of nothingness; just the slight ruffling of leafs blowing from the trees. Tears fill the ends of her eyes. Failing to blink them away, a tear rolls down the side of her cheek. Frowning at herself for still being emotional about Jeti. Unable to stop her tears from flowing she breaks down in a silent sob. When she cries, the wind moans in sympathy and clouds wept.

A slight drizzle of raindrops sprinkle throughout the woods. Her hair and clothes dampens. She doesn’t pay much mind. Letting the light drizzle shower her face she sighs, stopping the flowing tears. Thinking to herself. ((In many ways I hate him but the love I have for him will never fade.)) Shaking her head smirking she scowls herself for keeping the worthless feelings. The slight drizzle had slowed and completely stopped. She looks down at her more than dampen white tee shirt, showing her black swimming top under it. Taking off her wet shirt she was grateful the night was young and warm. She lies back onto the cold wet ground wondering how long the drizzle had lasted while she was intertwined in thoughts of nothingness. A cold tingling sensation rises up her spine making her shiver. The cold steel silver necklace doesn’t help as it lays over her darken tan skin. Turning to her side resting her head onto her arms she thinks. ((How am I going to get home...? When am I going to go back? Wait why would I want to go back. Why return to a place a so desperately hate and so desperately wanted to leave and now that I’m gone I want to return. I have no life there. :: Pause :: That’s not true I do have one there. I have people that care for me. Or so they say. :: Pause :: But I hate them They lie. Who would really care for me? Why would I give a shit if they do or not anyways. :: Pause :: Damn I’m a bitch. I need to lighten up.))

A light smile spreads across her face. Remembering how her dear friend Ariko claims she is a big hypocrite. After reviewing her thoughts she shakes her head and agrees ((Damn Ariko, Has to always be right)) She outstretches her arms and legs and slowly sits up. She grabs her nap sack and pulls out the cigarette packet. Shaking her head she sighs as she pulls one out letting it sit in her mouth unlit. ((I thought I quitted?))She looks inside her sack fumbling for the light blue lighter. She laughs to herself. ((I Knew I couldn’t do it))Shrugging she lifts the lighter to her unlit cig. Flicking it the flames results from the gas and spark. She lites in inhaling deeply. The Smoke fills her lungs. ((Damn Imma die from this shit. Its going to kill me)) She exhales and puts the lighter back into her sack. Staring down at the still damp gravel she inhales again, exhaling she takes the cigarette from her lips and taps the ashes off. She Looks back up at the darken Skies. And watches the clouds slowly move and reveal bright whitish Stars. How she dreamed she was anywhere but here right now. ((Damn you Ariko Always making me think about life and shit))Inhaling the last of the cig she throws the face into a small-formed puddle and exhales.

As she thinks about her life. The past week mostly she clenches her fist. In a violent outburst she punches the gravel, hitting small rocks and cutting her flesh slightly. She feels a pain shoot up her arms. She just closes her eyes and lays to fall asleep.

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