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Date Posted: 04:13:39 06/12/03 Thu
Author: Phil
Author Host/IP: 80-192-202-197.stb.ubr04.cr.blueyonder.co.uk /
Subject: FFR is actually Natalie Powers - are you deaf???

I can't believe nobody has realised this yet!

Okay - so the stoopid "can I take your order please?" and "any sauces with with that?" etc are possibly one of the old bags in the gaudy pvc (but I even doubt that!!)


You just listen to the verses - it's got Natalie's voice print all over it! The quality of the vocal - particularly in the verses as I've said - is actually VERY good and those three muppets are CLEARLY a front for the band. Seeing as they will never sing or tour live ("really??" I hear you cry! ;o)) then is this really so unbelievable???

I expect this message will probably get deleted as I have uncovered the conspiracy!! But hey ho. Good on yer Natalie!

Anyway, I'm not slagging the song - it's a cheesey as a burger with extra cheese - but I'm sure Mike would sell ALL of his family members just to get a number one, and I'm afraid you don't do that with a very classy pop song that often! I think it's great that he's done this, which will SURELY get people to sit up and take notice and open the doors and build foundation for future success. Let's not forget that recording/producing/marketing records is an expensive business, so I hope he makes tons of cash to enable him to give us what we REALLY want!!

Go Mike, Go!!!!

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