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Date Posted: 07:31:11 07/04/03 Fri
Author: FranklinRivers
Author Host/IP: 189.a.006.mel.iprimus.net.au /
Subject: Today's Record Companies - Is it really that much different ? (more)

Today's Record Companies - Is it really that much different ? (more)

Really the business and the creative side of making pop hasn't changed much at all ..

Sure there's computers and technology but just like in '74 there's still Top Of The Pops, there's still Radio 1 and Capital Radio and there's record shops all over the place.

You still have to get your record on the radio, on TV and in the media
for you to have a chance of getting a hit record.

Things like the Internet and alternative media can work in your favor
but it's not the be all and end all of this brave new world.

Selling records encompasses old world stuff just like it always has.

What's changed is that there's more of EVERYTHING ... and so marketing and promotion has become the big thing in trying to get people to buy your thing when there's so many choices of everything around ..

Plus there's even FREE MUSIC available over the Internet (legal and clandestine) -
but then radio was always free .. wasn't it ?

Back to my point - it's still the same stuff now as it was then and frankly I don't buy into this argument that the the record company model of today is a yesterdays model
or that the business of making and selling music is a redundant model ..

To me it's the same old thing but more of it and more of everything else ..
imagine if you're trying to sell new cars ..
that's a tough gig as there's too much capacity in the manufacturing
and not enough demand .. It's the same news in so many industries ..

Details change and new technology comes along and with it new ways of getting stuff
but it doesn't necessarily follow that everything else falls away ..

There seems to be parallel universes - the bricks and mortar world
and the world over the internet .. but one doesn't cancel out the other.

You know what the real issue is -

There's just too much stuff out there !!


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