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Date Posted: 18:32:08 07/02/03 Wed
Author: FranklinRivers
Author Host/IP: 139.c.011.mel.iprimus.net.au /
Subject: It's unfortunate but not entirely a surprise (more)

It's unfortunate but not entirely a surprise (more)

Programming decision:

Quite often the BBC TOTP will only give airtime to a track
2 weeks in a row if it has climbed the charts.
If a track hasn’t climbed the charts after the first airing on TOTP
then they quite often skip the track the following week.
Actually this is also stated in the PW biography.

I read the BBC response and thought it was reasonable -
but of course it’s very disappointing to everyone involved
with Fast Food Rockers as TOTP is regarded as critical to it’s success.
Although the record has done remarkably well
with it’s limited support across the media.
Second week at number two is a testament to it’s popularity.


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