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Date Posted: 16:00:05 04/16/03 Wed
Author: A MacHine
Author Host/IP: cache1-herm.server.ntli.net /
Subject: Returned with a hint of topspin (and a hint of jest... of course)
In reply to: Ed Tan 's message, "Mr Waterman is hardly likely to be reading the comments on this site, because, well he can't read can he? I know this is true, because he said so. (Forehand cross court volley)" on 07:45:56 04/16/03 Wed

Oh, but he can. In the wise ones biog, he states that he learnt to read (actually that must be pretty frustrating in itself. Writing a book, yet being unable to read it if Mr Tan is correct!) Some book on submarines, I think it was!

Which brings me nicely on to the subject of Mike Stock and his biography. I heard, on some message board I bet, that Mr Stock was beavering away over his Sholes & Glidden typewriter, feverishly producing his work of art, but that no publisher was interested!!!!! My understanding is Mike is a bit of an intellectual, and my guess is that he probably produced something in the same vein as Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Interesting if you really find a 53 page description on reaping by hand, but to the majority of us, as entertaining as Chinese torture.

I'm sure that we'd all like to understand a bit more about Mike, so whilst not wanting to make a suggestion, I shall make a suggestion!!!! But not here kind reader, on a briefer and reader friendly message and I'll do it in 3 and one half minutes. I thank you.

(Note that whilst we jest about Mr Waterman and all things on this green and pleasant land, we mean no malice or spite. Pete has achieved more than many of us will ever, and I think we are all grateful to have him in this world, but the jest must continue)

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