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Date Posted: 02:35:55 04/21/03 Mon
Author: Davenport
Author Host/IP: cache-loh-ad05.proxy.aol.com /
Subject: Fast Food Rockers

I've just read the comments on cafe80s about FFR.Some people should relax a little more. Has anyone heard the expression "horses for courses"? Mike didn't write the chorus, it's been around for years. Nobody has managed to put it into a pop package,untill now. If you don't like it, it wasn't meant for you! If you get it, then that's great.
FFR isn't for everyone. The people at BTD know that.Mike has a label to launch. Controversy is no bad thing in this industry. But please RELAX! Remember David Bowie did The Laughing Gnome, The Beatles did Yellow Submarine, (please submit more examples!) BTD have to have a platform to be able to release "serious" music. But, this record is supposed to be lighthearted and fun and aimed at the child in all of us!I think Mike sees this why can't others?
As usual, Btd has to fight the industry, and the die-hard fans first before the general public get a chance.

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