Date Posted:18:21:06 04/22/03 Tue Author: Phil Author Host/IP: / Subject: Erk - Edwina Currie? Who's 'avin a laugh then?!
Okay - so somebody mustve been on another planet when compiling the (sightly odd? (as in choice)) 'music clips' page.
Edwina Currie(??) - Dark Glasses!
I think you'll find that should be "Edwina Laurie", and not the ever-so-slightly unhinged egg-bashing, John Major-wooing conservative MP.
PS - On a side note, I notice that Nik Kershaw originally composed(?) and released the track in question (Dark Glasses) himself as a B-Side to his smash hit single "Wouldn't It Be Good"(I think?) in the early eighties. (ie, BEFORE the Edwina Lauire version) What's goin on? I can't find the Edwina Laurie track (or indeed any onfo on it) anywhere, despite exhaustive searches on the Net and elsewhere. Anybody got a copy? What do the sleeve notes say?? Is Nik Kershaw the credited writer of the tune?? Were SAW the producers??? Who is (or was) Edwina Laurie??? These and more questions will hopefully be answered in a further episode of the strange and wonderful world of Mike Stock!!!
All the very best for now,
(By the way - much prefer the Edwina Laurie version anyway - more energy and sass!)