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Date Posted: 07:54:43 05/07/03 Wed
Author: A MacDonalds... couldn't resist ... tee hee
Author Host/IP: webcacheH03a.cache.pol.co.uk /
Subject: FFR - They don't make me go Mmm!!!!
In reply to: Jimbob 's message, "Teletubbies, Bob the builder,Las Ketchup, Agado,The Birdie song,Barbie girl,Mr Blobby, Macarena,and the list goes on....All massive sellers. Job done/" on 04:41:22 05/06/03 Tue


Teletubbies, Bob the Builder, Mr Blobby all had brand loyalty to their products and had effective media exposure prior to their releases.

Barbie Girl - had brand awareness. Aimed at different audience. Can you imagine students dancing to FFR? No. I thought not. Every girl has owned a barbie doll, pretty much and unlike a McDonalds or a KFC, it was a good memory for many of them. Aqua had an appeal to a broader strata of the population.

Macarena and Las Ketchup were hits in Europe and transcended to the UK after they were established. They were picked up as popular in European clubs with British holiday makers.

Most of the tracks/groups, Aqua aside, were one hit wonders cashing in on strong brand loyalties. The Cheeky Girls I suppose are the most recent "novelty act", but they had Popstars, and released at Christmas.

Is Mike back to writing one hit wonders? Where can Mike go with this group?

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