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Date Posted: 20:17:58 08/03/03 Sun
Author: Sarah the angry at herself for not locking the window
Subject: stupid considerate thief

Me and Nomi had our money nabbed by a considerate thief. We've been getting over confident because we havn't had any problems with thiefs in Malaysia or Thailand until now. We used to sleep with our wallets under our pillows, and divide up our money into two different locations throughout our bags. It was a lot of work though(well, not really all that much work I guess), and nobody tried to steal from us anyways. So we started keeping all our money in our wallets and leaving our wallets in our unlocked bags by our bed when we slept. This probably would have been fine except that we were stupid and left one of the windows to our room unlocked overnight.

We had lots of money when we went to bed yesterday(about $50 each, which is a lot of money in thailand, it could be stretched to pay for food, accomodation, and travel for up to a week. It's especially a lot of money when you hardly have any money left in your account) and we woke up with less than $5 each in our wallets.

This is why i'm calling it a considerate thief, he/she left us just enough to pay the nights rent and buy breakfast. He/she also left cameras, credit cards, palm pilots, ect, even though they were in the bag right next to our wallets. Still not good that we had so much money taken though. Also kinda scary that someone crept through the window and was in our room while we were sleeping. Oh well, we'll just have to be more careful from now on. Sigh.

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