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Date Posted: 23:20:30 08/03/03 Sun
Author: Mom
Subject: Re: stupid considerate thief
In reply to: Sarah the angry at herself for not locking the window 's message, "stupid considerate thief" on 20:16:56 08/03/03 Sun

I'm very sorry to hear your bad news, but I'm so glad it wasn't much worse. Some things are irreplaceable, or very difficult to replace, and at least you lost only money. It is creepy to think of someone coming in while you were sleeping, though. Glad you two are o.k. Let us know if you need more money.

Are you still making your daily phone calls about an earlier flight? We are really looking forward to you coming home! Today was the Symphony Splash, and we were really thinking about you both. Dad and I went down about 6:30 a.m. and got one of the last spots up at the top, and even at that, we had flower beds in front, so couldn't put a blanket there. The weather was beautiful, as it has been pretty well all summer, so we really enjoyed the concert. As well as their classical selections, they played music from Star Wars, Chicago, and Harry Potter. The new conductor was 'debuting' with the orchestra. She is the first woman conductor of a major orchestra in Canada, and she is only 33 years old. She had an excellent, relaxed stage presence as well - she did nice 'chatting' with the audience. Karen was with us - Erin wanted to come, but couldn't because Lerato was down from Comox for a brief visit, and had to leave to head back up island about 8:00 (mid-concert).

We didn't stay all day downtown. We had breakfast at the Dutch Pancake house, with Karen,and then we caught the bus home, and did some more sorting of all the boxes in our yard. We still have a lot of 'stuff' outside, that we are trying to figure out what to do with. We caught the bus back downtown about 5:00. It is no more than a 5 minute walk to the UVic bus exchange, and you can catch any one of several buses to get downtown.

So where are you now? Still in Bangkok or out at a beach?

Keep taking good care of yourselves and each other,



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