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Date Posted: 11:12:46 05/28/01 Mon
Author: Bahdu
Author Host/IP: pixelstix2.i-55.com /
Subject: my 2 cents
In reply to: Nonaame 's message, "Too many alts in the guild" on 23:06:11 05/26/01 Sat

Okay, I'm a really new member of the guild and I'll just say that the time that I have spent with some of you (Tiora, Bahl, Acumen etc) has been the best time ever for me. I was on the verge of commiting evercide when Tiora emerged from the snowing hills of Iceclad and asked me to join here group and then the guild. That was so very special for me to have someone out of the blue welcome me into a virtual family that is as cool as you all are.

I'll admit that I haven't been on the past couple of weeks do to RL issues and problems that seem to be working out now but here's the other deliema that comes into play with this topic of alts. I have a lvl 22 dark elf warrior that I love to play with a passion. He's my melee fix when Bahdu begins to wear on me, especially at hell levels. The past few days I have started to get on Badhu to keep up with guild chat and say hello but my heart is at turning point now where I'm leaning toward playing my warrior for a bit. He's not guilded and I have know way of commincation with you all except through tells.

I know this is pety in the midst of all the discussion of weather we should keep alts or not but just in the defense of having at least one alt it would mean the world for me to be able to have Bahdu and Sinonaut in the guild so I could always be a part of the best guild in Norrath!

Well there's my bit. Hope to see you all in game and please ask me for help for ANYTHING at all. I also have access to a lvl 49 wizzy if anyone needs heavy fire power (ice comet!)


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  • Re: Too many alts in the guild -- Bigs, 19:10:21 05/28/01 Mon
  • Re: Too many alts in the guild -- Twyynke, 21:27:18 05/28/01 Mon

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