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Date Posted: Monday, January 17, 05:25:35pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: Re: So - why not?
In reply to: Nell 's message, "Re: So - why not?" on Monday, January 17, 04:33:45pm

***Also, there was fairly clearly a personal component to her decision, as well -- while you may not like Operations much or understand what she saw in him, it's pretty clear she see *something* worthy of being loyal to.***

No argument here - but I don't see that having personal ambitions would neccessarily make her disloyal to Operations. They could, certainly, but she could want to see him rise through the ranks because he earned it and would be good at it - and want more power for herself because she earned it and would be good at it.

But that's not what you had said, and thus wasn't what I was responding to. You wrote, in your prior post, that:

in my world, a woman in Madeline's position would very definitely be looking to elbow Paul aside or out or dead and take all the glory she deserved directly onto her own shoulders

To me, "elbowing someone aside or out or dead" pretty much means deliberately seeking to dislodge someone. It doesn't encompass the other possibilities you raise in the quote farther above. That's why I asked the question I did about Nikita and Michael. You answered by saying it wouldn't necessarily involve "elbowing aside," but the elbowing aside aspect was precisely the point of my question, because you had defined it as what you thought Madeline ought to do. So, should Nikita, in that situation, deliberately seek to dislodge Michael for her own personal professional advancement?

What do you think her other wishes and desires were? And, why did she want to serve her organization? Why did she think they were 'the best' at their job?

(Again, I'm not trying to be argumentative - I really don't have any coherent thoughts about this stuff).

Here, we're starting to venture beyond canon and even subtext and into sheer personal opinion. I've thought about these questions and have come up with my own answers, which I believe are consistent with canon and the characterization that we saw, but as I won't be able to "prove" them to you by virtue of a citation to an episode, I don't think you'll find them useful.

As for having a private agenda? Well - I'm enough of a cynic to believe that everyone has one, almost especially those who claim not too. Madeline's apparent lack of one actually makes me quite suspicious of her. ;-)

As for what one gains? Well - assuming everything works out - what ever it was you wanted.....

But what if what one wants is ideological and/or organizational as opposed to personal? I've known people committed to causes (political, religious) in just such a way. I think she was one of those people.

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