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Date Posted: Monday, March 20, 09:57:33pm
Author: Shanola
Subject: Re: LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson...Kinda long...
In reply to: Jaron 's message, "LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson...Kinda long..." on Sunday, March 19, 07:56:53pm

I think the storyboards were started by Susan because people kept posting fanfic to her messageboard. If I recall (and I may be totally wrong on this), there was some fear that the writers/actors/producers of the show would come to the messageboard and stumble on the fanfic, which could lead to legal issues. So Susan seperated it out. (I think it was after Susan took over from jeanette that the storyboards were done, anyway. Anyone else remember if it was Susan or jeannette?)

As far as ratings go, one of the first warnings I recall was on a collaboration by Shelley and Ghost called Yield. They posted on version that was much tamer and they'd email you a version that was no holds barred. Guess which one I read?LOL (okay, so I read both! HA!) I remember that when I posted my first story, I was somewhat surprised at the reactions I got, and then when Ranma archived it, she put a 'warning' on it (which is still there and was/is fair) for graphic violence. But it was a warning and not a rating, per say, such as NC-17. And when I first posted, I had no clue that I should even put a rating/warning on it. (But mebbe I was just naive?LOL)

I think the movie rating system sort of naturally evolved. There wasn't a written rule anywhere, that I recall, that you had to rate your story. I think authors started usuing the America movie rating system because a)most were familar with the system and b)authors didn't want to offend anyone.

And, interestingly, I don't exactly trust that rating system. For a time, it seemed the only stories that got any attention were the ones labeled NC-17 (for sex). It seemed very limiting to me, and still does, though I admit I like to be able to sort through stories based on certain criteria.

Anyway, I guess I'm getting off-topic a bit.

Hey, does anyone remember Nikita507's story involving the dog? I think that one may have had a lot to do with the rating system.

Ranma, were you archiving before LODM dissolved? I can't remember exactly when you started archiving, but I think it was fairly early one. And cheers to you for doing it! I think tons of stories would have been lost if you hadn't started capturing them from the boards. =P

You know, I think one could probably surf through Ranma's archive and piece together a fair history of how the writing has changed over the years...Hmm.

As for fav authors? I think everyone in the fandom knows who Betsy is. As Wind is to Fire? Just lovely. Most people know shrift and BetsyG and Lorraine.

Lorraine was one of the first to write slash in LFN. She slashed Michael/Brian, an original character from one of Betsy's stories, if I recall correctly. *thinks* I think Zoomama might have hinted at slash, and I think there were a few more hints early on, but slash was and still is rather underepresented in this fandom.

I like jean's writing, and Quinn had some excellent stories. So did mln and TnT. Nestra writes beautifully and so does Athena. I'm sure I'm leaving out....oooh! Deb! Who Will Stop the Rain was very nice. Okay, now I KNOW I'm leaving out many people.

Like jaron said, the first fics were focused on missions and episodes and back stories. Later, they moved more toward NC-17/love story type fics. I kind of miss the mission fics, to be honest. But, also to be honest, mission fics, when posted, would mostly go unnoticed. Why write to a quiet audience, eh? Not pointing fingers or complaining, mind you! I think the flow of the fandom just changed.*shrug*

And now, I think I'm done. My memory banks are depleted!LOL

Anyone else?

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