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Date Posted: Sunday, March 19, 07:56:53pm
Author: Jaron
Subject: LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson...Kinda long...
In reply to: incognito 's message, "LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson" on Friday, March 17, 11:40:18pm

The following is based on my sometime selective and, at time, faulty memory, so if anyone remembers things differently, please speak up!! I’ll try not to go on too long….

I've loved LFN since the series premiered in 1997. I started watching and then started computer searches to see if I could find more information and the series and the actors. Imagine my surprise when I started finding something call fan fiction! I found a few sites and then I found a LFN Fanfic mailing list. I signed on to that and started getting fanfic stories in my email. Heaven!! Then I found Jeanette’s fanfic archive, along with several others, Research, LODM, and then, ranma started archiving the stories that appeared on her story boards. I’m a little fuzzy on exactly which sites came first. I was having too much fun finding and reading the stories. I think that the wonderful (and some not-so-wonderful) stories helped me enjoy the series even more in those early days of ’97 and ’98. TPTB were never too interested in filling in the back stories of the characters or explaining the action between the scenes of the eps, and the fanfic writers more than accomplished that for us voracious readers. Michael had so many back stories (read Zoomama’s Cast No Shadow) that it was a bit of a let-down when TPTB finally gave him one in the second season with Half Life. The line between fanon and.canon became blurred. Was Davenport’s first name really Chris or was that fanon?

First authors… There were so many great authors back in the early days, as there are now....Shelley, ‘chelle, Wrigley, Quinn, Ghost, Lorraine, Marie, Leigh, Zoomama, ~dawn, Zouzou, Betsy, Kate, Katherine Gilbert and so many, many more. (Go to ranma’s archive site and read your heart out!) Someone please help me….I don’t want to leave anyone out, but there were just so many fantastic writers!

Controversial stories…the first NC-17 stories prompted calls for rating the stories, so readers would know what they were getting before they started reading. Does anyone have any specific stories that they can name? At first, most of the stories were action-oriented mission stories and, of course, Michael/Nikita relationship stories, which were pretty tame to begin with, and then, the first NC-17 stories started to appear, and WOW, the genie was out of the bottle, never to return! Explicit love scenes, graphic violence and torture (Poor Michael) and some slash were prevalent. Stories began to be rated according to content…I never paid that much attention to the ratings because I tended to read just about everything,

Best-loved stories…My personal favorites included just about anything written by Betsy, Kate, Shelly, Lorraine, Betsy G, et al….Over on the Name That Story board, (Thank you, ranma!) there seems to be a lot of requests for stories by Kate, Betsy, BetsyG,, Shelly and others. The Words, an unfinished story by Zouzou seems to be a favorite.

The AU board was begun by Leigh and Rita later took over and has done a wonderful job as boardmom….

The incomparable ranma and her huge archive and her storyboards…what can I say? She is the most fantastic LFN archivist…I just can’t say enough good things about her….She has saved so many stories from being forgotten….and she provides us with a comfy place to go to read the oldies and the newbies whenever we want.

I hope more of you will jump in and tell us what you remember…. Please??

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