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Date Posted: Sunday, May 07, 04:55:52pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: To answer some of this... (r)
In reply to: Nell 's message, "Chiming in a bit late (r)" on Sunday, May 07, 02:43:32pm

I didn't become active in the fandom until 2001 (right after the end of the 5th season), but my entree into fandom was through the TR sites, so my perspective on the fandom and fanfic is a little different.

Back then, while there were a few TR stories in Ranma's archives, there wasn't an index of them (like there is now), so the only way to find them was by painstakingly skimming *every* *single* *story* and looking for references to Madeline and Operations. I remember doing that until my eyes had nearly glazed over. ;-) The creation of the TR Index Page was really a godsend.

A large number of TR stories never made it to Ranma's, however: they were archived either in the fic section of the old Alberta Watson Official Site (as well as at ERG's official site, although those stories basically overlapped with the ones at the AW site), or they were housed at individual websites (like Athena4's and Perfectvelvet's).

For the most part, the individual author sites are still around, but when the AW site shut down the stories archived there were taken down with it. (They had already been removed from the ERG site, which still exists but no longer archives fic.) I still have copies of those stories and plan to donate them to Ranma's lost fic rescue project, but I'm making an effort to contact the authors first.

I only reluctantly ventured away from the TR boards and sites and onto the wider LFN fanfic boards, as I honestly wasn't sure I was going to be welcome. (Not that I thought I was going to be flamed or anything, just that I didn't think anyone was going to be *interested* in TR stuff.) That turned out not to be the case, but I'm sure I wasn't the only TR writer who thought that way. I'm sure that's why a lot of TR fic never made it to the main storyboards or into Ranma's archives.

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