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Date Posted: Friday, May 12, 07:48:13am
Author: Cynaera
Subject: Remember when 'chelle killed Michael?
In reply to: Jaron 's message, "LFN Fan Fiction History Lesson...Kinda long..." on Sunday, March 19, 07:56:53pm

One of the first rules of fan fiction was "DON'T kill Michael!" Of course, 'chelle had to put an end to that one. LOL! I believe she was the first fan fiction writer to kill off a major character - after that, when Zouzou wrote "The Words," people were prepared for the death of Michael, or Nikita, or Simone (Leigh and I wrote a couple of slightly-twirly stories about Nikita as a recruit with Jurgen, not Michael, as her mentor.)

Remember Enjouč? She wrote a LOT of Madeline/Operations stuff, because she really wasn't a big Michael/Nikita fan. She also wrote about the demise of Section One, and how it re-formed as an even more covert operation. She was one of the first fanfic writers I'd ever read (back in the days of Shelly and Ghost.)

And BetsyG's "Nikita's Journal" stories always had me either laughing out loud or crying. I love her writing, and I believe she's now a published author!

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