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Date Posted: Wednesday, June 14, 08:21:48am
Author: Nell
Subject: Oh. We couldn't have lasted this long without some fundemental agreement...! (r)
In reply to: JayBee 's message, "When did we start agreeing so much? (r)" on Wednesday, June 14, 07:33:05am

I began complaining to my sister and fellow watcher about the lack of actual missions in early S4.

I - obviously - hadn't worked out *why* it was frustrating to me in the overall context of canon, but now that the canon is closed and I have a) some distance, and b) am several years into trying to craft my own story lines, I can articulate more clearly what canon did/accomplished, and where - had I been TPTB - I would have made some different choices.

There were many (IMO) strong episodes after that - and one of the few things I appreciated about S5 was that they actually managed to get some believable terrorists back on screen (well, more believable anyway....!), terrorists who actually seemed to have some meaningful agendas. But the turn inward to Section/Oversight/Center politics and operatives personal lives, accompanied by the loss of Nikita as our main POV character as they backed off to a more neutral third person POV, meant that a lot of her crucial character development began to take place off screen (despite her screen time!).

Unlike Shanola, I do think that Nikita was strong enough to run Section, and even when it came to her - though she was certainly lacking in serious command experience. I think, that if you look, you can see her continued "professional" growth and development over the next two seasons -- but the story wasn't focused on that, and worked against it whenever they ran out of other ideas and fell back on a Perils of Pauline plot trick.

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