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Date Posted: Friday, July 14, 07:43:49am
Author: Nell
Subject: With several AUs -mostly in draft form - I can assure you, it *is* a lot of work! (r)
In reply to: JayBee 's message, "I can relate to your first reason a lot (r)" on Thursday, July 13, 07:52:08pm

Especially if your interest, as mine is, is in exploring characterization - what's core, what's ephemeral, what's environment, what's not ... and then the more complicated ones, where it's pretty clear it *is* environment - but has it become such an essential part of the canon character we know that you have to find a new environmental cause?

Take, for example, Michael's control over his emotions - elevated in fanon especially to gargantuan proportions! - which seems pretty clearly to me to be environmental. Given the supplied backstory for him, and the amnesia episode, along with his behavior at his 'home' with Elena, or later on the lam with Nikita, canon seems (to me) to establish that Michael has a fully functioning set of emotions and corresponding facial expressions - but in the environment of Section - he has honed his ability to keep his 'tells' to a bare minimum, and deliberately conceal and mislead when he wants too.

But - we, as fans, know him best in his Section persona... so, when writing AU - I feel like I need to find new environmental reasons for Michael to develop that kind of control over himself, and create opportunities for him to display that control early and often enough that he is, for LFN fans, still recognizably "Michael."

It's great intellectual fun - and quite a bit of writing labor, as I discovered long after I began! LOL!

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