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Date Posted: Wednesday, October 05, 07:17:33pm
Author: JayBee and Nell, making a modly announcement
Subject: Change is in the air (r)

Since fall is nearly upon us (or spring, for you Southern hemisphere folks), the change in seasons has prompted your friendly boardmods Nell and JayBee to give thought to some new things we'd like to do with the board. (As well as some not-so-new things we'd like to continue!)

Here's some of what we have in store:

Wednesday Roundup

Every Wednesday, we'll post the "Wednesday Roundup": a newsletter-like collection of links to sites/discussions we believe might interest board members. These might be LFN-connected websites or Livejournal communities, fan fiction discussions, links to fannish artwork, sites and discussions from other fandoms, fannish meta, or really anything that catches our eye and we think is worth sharing. If you come across a link that you think might be a good addition to the Wednesday Roundup, please email us at the address at the top of the page.

Friday Challenge Day

Every Friday will be Challenge Day. We'll post some sort of writing challenge each week, involving a variety of themes. Most of these will be designed for a fairly short deadline; however, semi-periodically, we'll also issue challenges with longer lead times so that people will be able to write longer stories.

Story Chat

We're also going to be bringing back (on a more regular basis, we hope!) our Story Chats, in which we pick an archived story and encourage everyone to (re)read and discuss it on the board. If anyone has suggestions for stories/authors, feel free to email us.

We'll kick things off with challenges this Friday, and look forward to having some fun with everyone!

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