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Date Posted: Friday, October 07, 11:03:49am
Author: JayBee and Nell
Subject: Friday Challenge: October 7, 2005

Hello everyone--

Challenges (drabbles and otherwise) have been part of the "tradition" here at the FFMB almost since the time the board was established, thanks first to Nestra (who began the drabble challenges) and then EllenM (who took over from Nestra and later expanded them beyond drabbles). (Thanks again to both of you for your work and creativity!)

However, challenges have been part of LFN tradition since *long* before the existence of this board, as Shanola's wonderfully successful revival of the Bathtub Challenge reminded us. As some of you might remember, there was once an active "Challenge Board" and an associated website where stories posted at the Challenge Board were archived, and some of the stories posted in response to those early challenges are among the best in the fandom.

The Challenge Board is currently dormant, but the Challenge Website is still going strong. Gritkitty, the current technical guru running that site, has generously offered to make it available to archive new challenges. (Thank you, Gritkitty!)

Here's how it will work. Starting next Friday, we (Nell and JayBee) will post some sort of challenge here on the FFMB. We may give you a deadline, or a word limit, or some bizarre requirement like writing while you hop on one foot (OK, kidding on that one), or it may be more free-form. You'll be able to post your challenge stories here on the FFMB if they are short (say, 500 words or less), and can post them at SB1 or SB2 if they are longer. Wherever you post them, put the name of the challenge in the subject line of your post so we'll know what you're responding to. Afterwards, we'll take care of making sure it gets archived at the Challenge Site (unless you indicate to us you don't want it archived). If you'd like it archived at Ranma's site as well (which we encourage!), let us know, and we'll even forward the text file to her for you. (Or you can take care of that yourself.) Simple, eh?

To kick things off, and to get you reacquainted with the Challenge Site, our "challenge" to you this week is to ask you to go take a look at all the old challenges. You can find them here. Pick any one that strikes your fancy and write something -- of any length -- before next Friday, and post it here or the storyboards. HRs, we especially dare you to try the challenge called "Paris." ;-)

*Phew* That was a long post. We promise that next week will be a lot shorter now that all that explaining is out of the way.

Enjoy your weekend!

Nell and JayBee

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