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Date Posted: Thursday, November 10, 03:30:22am
Author: warren
Subject: different ways
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Help, writer in distress!" on Wednesday, November 09, 04:20:23pm

Hi there, Mary et al.

Me personally, I have to think about a story for a few days before even touching a pen or keyboard.
An idea comes in, a what-if situation. I play it around for a few days. Who said what? Who is in the story? Is there a point at the end or even in the middle? Is there an idea I have to put across? All this type of stuff.

They fly around the chasms in the brain. Bouncing off each other and even a word or an event I see during that time of thinking. Then when I know it's ready to start, I start.

Writing in ink on paper. Then a keyboard last for me. Start. And while writing, the muse will come and tap your shoulder and point oput the spelling errors and say, "How about taking it over here?" And before you know it, you either have what you wanted at the beginning. Or somehing that has a little bit of what you wanted. OR sometimes nothing like waht you thought of, different charcters different lines, all different.

End result is still the same, though.

A story.

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  • Re: Help, writer in distress! -- warren, Thursday, November 10, 03:35:01am

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