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Date Posted: Thursday, November 17, 05:30:56pm
Author: Nell
Subject: Well - and to the degree that *anyone* is writing much m/m with Michael these days (r)
In reply to: JayBee 's message, "Hmmmm, but what about (r)" on Thursday, November 17, 02:35:04pm

it does tend to be pre or post canon. I know I've seen some Michael/Rene pre-canon not all that long ago, and there was gritkitty's Michael/OMC post canon story as well. On the LFN slash comm, maybe?

It's hard, though for me to truly pursue the absence of m/m, because on the whole, m/m doesn't really grab me. I have to squint hard through a borrowed pair of m/m goggles to even find it.

And, in the LFN case in particular, I don't enjoy (as opposed to like, if you catch the distinction I'm trying to make) either Jurgen or Rene enough to want to feature them in any fic of my own. Honestly? trying to grapple with Paul sounds a whole whale of a lot more appealing to me - and in fact, Paul does show up as himself in (some) of my fic, where Jurgen - so far - has shown up only as a long dead memory, and Rene as a briefly appearing brother - who admittedly might as well have had a different name as he was essentially an OC, I was just ringing canon chimes at that point in an AU environment.

So - while I can, in fact, see a real canon plausibility for Michael having some kind of sexual/fraught romantic relationship type encounters with either or both Rene and Jurgen - I don't have the slightest interest in exploring it for it's own sake. I'd rather explore it to the extent that it shapes his relationship to Nikita. Because I'm an OTC nut.

Which, I'm pretty sure, would more or less exile me from a large segment of the m/m slasher world, as I would be doing the reverse of the normal pattern of many m/m tales - ie: giving Michael same sex experience that he will move on from/reject when he goes het all the way for Nikita. *eg*

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