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Date Posted: Monday, May 30, 03:13:55pm
Author: JayBee
Subject: OK, here goes...(r)
In reply to: Cyanide 's message, "Seeing as I'm bored...(r)" on Sunday, May 29, 04:51:40pm

If we open it up to all recurring characters, the choice is easy: Jason. Why? Because he's got to be the most annoying creation TPTB ever came up with. How? I'd have Quinn, tired of his pathetic come-ons, apply a deadly toxin to his keyboard, which he would absorb through the skin of his fingertips. He would then die in mouth-frothing agony as all of Section watched and cheered, because no one would bother to summon Medlab until it was tragically (*cough*) too late.

Now, if we limit it to the main six, the choice is trickier. My knee-jerk instinct is to say Walter, because he annoys me in much the same way as Jason. But then it occurred to me that he's fairly old anyway and can be expected to be banished back to retirement soon, so why bother killing him? The next obvious choice for me would be Nikita, because I find her self-righteousness insufferable, but upon reflection I think death isn't quite appropriate. Her fate at the end of S5 -- being stuck forever in Section -- seems much more fitting, and besides it might allow her the opportunity to mature into a character I would actually like.

This means that my choice is Michael. Why? Because SuperMikey of Seasons 3 and 4 bored me to tears, and I would love to come up with a plot that spared me having to watch that. This means he should be killed off fairly early on, and I have the perfect way to do it: allow Andrea to *succeed* in getting her revenge in Off Profile. I always sympathized with her and think she had ample justification for her actions in that episode.

Operations could make a nice little "We'll miss him" remark at the beginning of the next mission briefing, Nikita could shed a tear or two, and then everyone could move on, happily ever after.

Needless to say, in this scenario, Madeline, Operations, Birkoff, George, Hillinger, Davenport and pretty much every character I'm fond of whom TPTB killed off would live long and happy lives. *g*

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