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Subject: religious wankery

joe shmoe
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Date Posted: 23:57:18 06/07/10 Mon

we live in a day and age where the very foundations of modern society (science, technology, medicine, etc) are grounded upon undeniable scientific truths.

1. the earth was not created in 7 days and is over 4 billion years old. (any geologist could tell you that.)

2. evolution is undeniable. denying evolution is equivilant to saying the sky is red. even the pope agrees with that. religuous ignoramuses who spew sumerian creation mythology under the guise of 'genesis' simply are un-educated and do not really know what they're talking about. the blind leading the blind...

3. anyone involved with science (the empirical process, etc) would find all these religous hoo-hahs amusing if they were not so prevalent, influential, and damningly misleading.

4. hootla, like many other backwoods, sociological disaster zones could use a stiff shot of secularism (an honest commitment to something more reasonable than hellfire, miracles, benny-hinn, etc). religion is a black veil! an easy crutch for the weak-minded!

5. so called religous leaders who deny evolution in pure ignorance have willfully turned their backs on the truth!

6. so keep on praying for miracles and let your mental potential waste away in a rosy cloud of apathy....or pick up a book (other than the bible).

7. think about it. on a basic level, there is really no difference between any given religous fudementalist (islamic jihadists, christian 'conservatives', etc). they all share one thing in common; completely closed off minds (beyond a very limited, warped scope)!

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Re: religious wankeryMad parent23:27:18 06/08/10 Tue

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