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Subject: MP&L Primary

Chuck Wilson
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Date Posted: 19:44:50 11/19/11 Sat

November 19, 2011

To all residents of Metlakatla, I am Chuck Wilson and I am the incumbent candidate for the open seat on the MP&L board. I am writing to urge you to vote in the Metlakatla Power and Light primary election to be held on Monday November 21. If you are a consumer of electricity and reside within the boundaries of the Annette Island Reserve, you are eligible to vote in this election.

Negotiations for the intertie project, electrical power sales, and the Triangle Lake hydro project have all reached an exceptionally critical stage. I feel my experience on the board, knowledge of electrical systems, power distribution, industry connections, and my lobbying experience are enormous assets to MP&L. Under my terms as board chairman we have made exceptional progress towards achieving our goal of becoming an important supplier of electricity to the Southeast Alaska electrical grid. The cost of fossil fuels continues to rise with no end in sight and electrical demand is increasing by leaps and bounds because of consumers converting away from oil. Soon most Southeast Alaska cities will be reaching critical shortfalls in electrical generation and most rural communities already depend on extremely high cost diesel generation. Developing our hydroelectric potential and completing the intertie to the Southeast Alaska Grid will put us in an excellent negotiating position for selling our power as fast as we can develop and produce it. We cannot afford to delay these projects and let someone else be the first to cash in on the demand in this market which would certainly damage our bargaining position. Another consideration is legislation proposed by President Obama called Cap and Trade. If this legislation or similar legislation passes, all of our projects are considered “Low Impact Hydro” which means they are “green power” and would not only bring in revenue from sales but would earn carbon credits which could also be sold doubling our revenue stream. A change in leadership at this juncture could prove to be disastrous to the timely development of these projects. These are a only some of the reasons why I am asking you to let me continue to work for you and make MP&L an important source of electricity for Alaska and a company that will be able to generate new and greater revenues for our community.

Please vote for progress, don’t let these projects stall and leave the people of Metlakatla holding the short end of the stick once again. A vote for Chuck Wilson is a vote for continued progress so please remember to vote Monday Nov. 21st.

Thank You for your time and attention.
Chuck Wilson
Candidate for MP&L Board of Directors

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