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Date Posted: 21:46:12 09/01/03 Mon
Author: That one Guy
Subject: Big Bads
In reply to: Kashmanik 's message, "Hmm...." on 14:26:46 09/01/03 Mon

I feel a human big bad has already been done. I mean unless it is a hired hitman or something I doubt there'd be a reason to do it. I mean the whole Trioka thing and all. I think that we should consider tptb... I don't know its just seems like you can't top season 5 of buffy with season 7. So I really think we should just create a big bad that is a bad ass and run with it. Make it a vampire or something ? maybe a demon, or something

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[> [> [> I think the earlier approach -- Idea Guy, 22:03:04 09/01/03 Mon

Lots of stand alone episode that contain the personal arcs within them and introduce a potential big bad later in the season. What if it's not even a major big bad or even a single big bad?

Problems internally with the group cause them to be less able in working together, they could even decided (after lavin sunnydale) to go thier own seperate ways for an episode, then each of them feels drawn back to it because the hellmouth is rebuilding itself (the hellmouth could be destroyed but, like when you pick a flower the roots remain) and so they come together at the borders of Sunnydale as the hellmouth begins to reform and they have (8x19) different groups taking on different areas of the town, where for the first tie since Graduation Day they use regular people to aid them.

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[> [> [> [> Re: -- Sgt. Rock, 13:58:37 09/02/03 Tue

I think that idea of the group seperating was pretty much played out in Seasons 4 and 6, probably the least liked seasons of them all so I don't think it would be a good idea to try it again.

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