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Date Posted: 01:58:53 09/14/03 Sun
Author: Idea guy
Subject: How people can leave/Big bad ideas/arc idea

It's been bought up that perhaps Anya should leave as should Spike to line up with the real BUffy verse, now it could look very 'god just bomb them all why dontcha' to people if the entire season is losing people so I propose.

an episode called "Away" in which everyone that's leaving leaves via several subplots. (e.g) whilst Anya is revealing she wants her baby to be safe, Dawn is turning into energy after an argument with Buffy (Buffy wouldn't let her sacrifice herself but she said it's her choice). Buffy thinks she's stopped Dawn and goes to find Spike to stop him from leaving - only she's too late and when she returns Dawns all 'Mrs Energy Barrier'.

Or something like that (Don't throw things) Maybe the BB can be such a threat that Anya feels the need to leave, Dawn feels she has to lock it in Sunnydale (the barrier naturally goes up the second Spike and Anya are conveniently out of town meaning he can't get back in. That also means they can have a lengthy absence and return to help save the day at the end (or just stay away and not know about it).

From there you can decide whether Buffy had made it at all out of town to stop Spike, whether Xander had taken Anya to where she was going, whether Willow had been called to LA the episodes before - you can pretty much decide who's trapped with the Big Bad / Demons or who's outside.

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[> ...continued -- Idea guy, 02:03:50 09/14/03 Sun

Maybe have just Buffy save the day rather than normal guy or magic girl. Don't link Willow to it or it's her 4th Big Bad in a row (DMW, The First [for raising Buffy], Proserpexa). Maybe let Giles save the day!!! He never does it

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[> ...continued more -- Idea guy, 02:06:31 09/14/03 Sun

Maybe you could use the original plan for Xander in season 7?
Nicks words "was going to be like a twelve episode arc where Xander dies at comes back as some monster" (monster, going by all the "seeing" hints probably means bringer - which means he'd be made to kill slayers!!)

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[> Being serious now -- Idea guy, 16:42:41 09/14/03 Sun

Whats the deal with this season? It's been like six weeks since the finale and it's been six months since the start of season eight and we still don't know our regulars, recurring or first episode.

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[> [> I think the fact that people have lives outside the board has something to do with it -- Wyvern, 21:38:29 09/14/03 Sun

I'm not trying to be rude here, it's just that a lot of the writers have retired since S8 and quite a lot of the ones that are left are starting college, leaving home and going through a lot of major life-altering events. I'm not saying that we don't need to get started here, because I think if we don't get started soon we're going to lose all momentum, but you need to allow people a couple of weeks to get their new lives together. And it *has* only been six weeks or so since the finale, so we can still afford a little more breathing space.

Give it a little more time. I'm sure that people will start coming together soon and we'll start to realise who we've got to work with and what we're likely to do. Considering the nature of the changes that are going to be affecting a number of the writers, we also need to give them space to figure out how much they'll be able to cope with. It's no good giving someone 4 episodes to write if in a month's time they realise that their course is too demanding and they'll have to pass them on. Let things settle; a little patience now may help us avoid headaches later.

And in the mean time, keep the ideas coming...

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[> [> [> ME personally -- That one Guy, 10:47:37 09/15/03 Mon

I like the wait time right now, Cause I have college, job stuff and writing my own fic series... So I don't mind... one bit about it...

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[> [> [> [> More time means better planning -- BunnyPhobia, 13:28:59 09/15/03 Mon

I was barely involved last year in the planning stages because it all happened so fast...Whilst I go to uni this coming sunday and so will be a bit more sporadic in my net visits, I'm gonna be thinking of ideas...

We need to build something GOOD and make this worthwhile. Like Wyv said, lives are busy, and this has to have a good result to make the time spent justifiable.

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[> [> [> [> [> To put it into a little more perspective -- Wyvern, 14:29:10 09/15/03 Mon

I've just checked the archives and we only started all this in February! I can't believe it was that long ago, but at the same time, it's not really a lot of time to have plotted a whole season, written and "aired" a whole season and started tentatively batting ideas around for the next season. Kash started the board up on 16th February, and although it took us less than a week to come up with a skeleton of the arc, and ten days for the first episode to go up, it took us a while to settle on the final shape of the story and it's not like there weren't mishaps on the way *g*

It looks like a little more space might be an idea as you guys are busy just for the moment anyway and I guess that the reason some of the regulars aren't really posting much is that they're busy too - and I'm about to go away for a few days...

But let's look on it as pondering space...

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[> [> [> [> [> Hey I was only saying because the board was slow. I wasn't having a go so ease up people -- VKMax, 17:56:49 09/15/03 Mon

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[> [> [> [> [> [> busted. -- okay, 18:12:02 09/15/03 Mon

Basically going by my relationship with ABM I knew you guys weren't gonna let me get involved but I had a TONNE of ideas (as You've seen) and so I just *had* to post them! I'm really sorry but I had to let you at least hear my ideas!!!! Sorry again. I'll be off now (btw I'd move your writers board as one of the writers posted it on the board once and a few ppl have it) again. Sorry.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> So THAT'S who you are :) -- Wyvern, 18:51:39 09/15/03 Mon

I realised it was a new name on the board, and I was thinking, hmm, that's funny, where'd he come from... I kind of assumed that you might have been one of our "regulars" but had decided to post under a different name or something! But it's you all along...

And you know what, I reckon some of your ideas have really been good, too - the thread on the balance of characters for S9 being a case in point. Now I'm not saying either way as to what Kash will or won't allow on the board - he's "Board Momma" (and he's so going to kill me for that) after all - but I'd hope that you can carry on sharing ideas with us.

Like I said before, I wasn't trying to be rude, it's just that I know that a lot of the writers are going through a lot of major upheaval at the moment, which is probably why the board is as quiet as it is. Trust me, things will get moving soon.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Nah, he ain't killing nobody. -- JSlayerUK, 21:07:18 09/15/03 Mon

Worst he can do at the moment is sneeze on you.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> I'm so out the loop -- BunnyPhobia, 12:16:02 09/18/03 Thu

I'm not gonna ask why there's a 'big deal' going on and everything...

I'm just sad cos it shows how not with it on current affairs I am...*sigh* i'll go back and play in my purple sandpit...

Who needs the real world...

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[> I think so To -- That one Guy, 00:19:23 09/16/03 Tue

I try to do Idea but we really need to decide what the Cast is going to be... and the big Bad instead of worry about mini arcs right now... then we can get them...

Vk has good Ideas and we shouldn't rule them out it doesn't ever hurt to hear anything...

But back to the top I saw we start a thread and Decide With Ever Character (Other Then Buffy) If they stay or go or just venture away for a couple episodes...

The Big bad can be next, Then the mini arcs then the lb's then if there anything left we can smooth it over. Or we set a date where we can all talk (like in the BC&S chat or MSN and talk about it)

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