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Date Posted: 22:22:12 09/07/03 Sun
Author: Sgt. Rock
Subject: Re:
In reply to: BunnyPhobia 's message, "Let's get un-physical" on 16:01:15 09/06/03 Sat

Sounds too first-like to me. A disembodies essence that wants to live is pretty much exactly what the first was.

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[> [> [> Except the First was rather naff -- BunnyPhobia, 00:19:10 09/08/03 Mon

And the execution was abysmal.

did the First want to live? Is that what it was trying to do? I didn't realise that, I just thought it was all evil and stuff...shows how much season seven grabbed me, doesn't it? *veg*

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[> [> [> how about -- Idea guy, 08:18:29 09/08/03 Mon

It's getting into thier minds but it also as a physical effect (killing people whilst inside them) and thus why Dawn has to "dome" over Sunnydale to stop it getting out like a virus

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[> [> [> [> A sentinent, concious virus... -- BunnyPhobia, 21:09:34 09/08/03 Mon

Could be a big threat...a bit 'invasion of the body-snatchers' except its immerged and evolved since the closure of the hellmouth...

What I was actually thinking was the overall arc being created purely through misdirection - the audience being led to think that all MoW are completely unrelated, and it's only when something 'really bad happens' (tm) that the scoobies, and so the audience, begin to figure out all is not as it seems. That way, the mini-arcs could really be pushed to their full potential, sending the characters and relationships into whole new ballparks, using the MoW's as suitable metaphors, yet, for some of them, being controlled and related to this 'entity' or virus...

Or, we could go for a great big whopping monster...I'll write either way

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