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Hey I was only saying because the board was slow. I wasn't having a go so ease up people -- VKMax, 17:56:49 09/15/03 Mon
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busted. -- okay, 18:12:02 09/15/03 Mon
Basically going by my relationship with ABM I knew you guys weren't gonna let me get involved but I had a TONNE of ideas (as You've seen) and so I just *had* to post them! I'm really sorry but I had to let you at least hear my ideas!!!! Sorry again. I'll be off now (btw I'd move your writers board as one of the writers posted it on the board once and a few ppl have it) again. Sorry.
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So THAT'S who you are :) -- Wyvern, 18:51:39 09/15/03 Mon
I realised it was a new name on the board, and I was thinking, hmm, that's funny, where'd he come from... I kind of assumed that you might have been one of our "regulars" but had decided to post under a different name or something! But it's you all along...
And you know what, I reckon some of your ideas have really been good, too - the thread on the balance of characters for S9 being a case in point. Now I'm not saying either way as to what Kash will or won't allow on the board - he's "Board Momma" (and he's so going to kill me for that) after all - but I'd hope that you can carry on sharing ideas with us.
Like I said before, I wasn't trying to be rude, it's just that I know that a lot of the writers are going through a lot of major upheaval at the moment, which is probably why the board is as quiet as it is. Trust me, things will get moving soon.
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Nah, he ain't killing nobody. -- JSlayerUK, 21:07:18 09/15/03 Mon
Worst he can do at the moment is sneeze on you.
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I'm so out the loop -- BunnyPhobia, 12:16:02 09/18/03 Thu
I'm not gonna ask why there's a 'big deal' going on and everything...
I'm just sad cos it shows how not with it on current affairs I am...*sigh* i'll go back and play in my purple sandpit...
Who needs the real world...
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