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Date Posted: 14:45:40 08/14/03 Thu
Author: Truth-Schmuth
Subject: Re: Well...it finally happened.
In reply to: The Truth 's message, "Re: Well...it finally happened." on 09:34:55 08/14/03 Thu

What the fuck are you talking about cheap? If i was such a cheap skate i'd be buying my box full of ramen noodles at pricechopper and be done with it. don't give me that internet deal shit.

If you choose McGurk's over McDonalds for dinner, or King Louie's over Burger King (ok, i'll stop while I'm ahead) you expect a better quality of food and a better level of service. And you pay for it accordingly.

I pay more at Schnucks than Aldi's for my tampax, frosted flakes, and Mogen David 20/20 (Mad Dog to the kids) 'cause I want to shop where the floors are clean(er), the lights are on, and the cherries aren't slimy. And part of that is the person checking me out, and the kids, retards, and old people running back and forth from aisle to aisle bagging groceries.

And now they expect me to pay the same for checking my self out and bagging my own groceries? So they can increase their profits and they call it a feature? Bullshit! And we should call them on it. What would happen if Tony's were to change into a cafeteria? The country club set would freak.

Cheap is chiseling down some poor shmoe $5 on a used cog set. Demanding that you get what you pay for, well that's just smart.

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