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Date Posted: 19:19:40 08/14/03 Thu
Author: I bukakeed my cell mates pillow.
Subject: HOLY FUCK!!!! NOW I AM PISSED!!!!!!
In reply to: Billy Rubin 's message, "Re: Well...it finally happened." on 09:21:52 08/14/03 Thu

I never thought about it like that! But you are right! WE ARE GETTING FUCKED!!!

The salaries of the baggers and cashiers are taken out of the price of our purchases. When we dont use them, we still end up paying for them!

I just started going to Shop And Save about a month ago. The first time I went there, my shit was piling up at the end of the register belt and I stood there like a jackass waiting for the bagger. The bagger never came, and I thought to myself "WHAT THE FAWK!?!?" But then I saw how much lower the prices of my purchases were over Dierbergs.

Thats fucked! So, if all the cashiers and baggers were replaced, do you think the price of food would voluntarily be lowered by the stores? I think not! The grocery stores are not screwing the cashiers. They are screwing the consumers! The screwing of the cashiers is just a side bonus for them.

Fuck them!

Now its not enough to steal a peice of fruit from them! Im pissed! Now, I want to fire bomb their asses, or at the very least take a dumb in their salad bar!

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